Let's All Put Money in the Swear Jar

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Thanks for all the reads and votes guys! It means a lot to me :) Nicole Cummins on the side as Joney.



Finally, it was lunchtime. I have been starving since I hadn't eaten breakfast this morning, since I had been too busy avoiding my mom.

My stomach grumbled, and my face flushed in embarrassment as I set a hand on my pit of endless hunger.

"Thank you." I smiled genuinely at the lunch lady when she gave me my change.

I looked across the lunchroom to see Joney sitting at the table near the door, and I started making my way over to her. I put my tray down, and immediately shoved some fries in my mouth moaning in delight. Before I could shove more in my mouth, Joney's hand came up and slapped my fries away.

"Slow down, your going to get indigestion," she said playfully.

I shrugged and picked up my fries again. "Who cares? I'm hungry," I said, my mouth full.

Once I swallowed I pointed at Joney. "You and I have to figure out what we are doing for this stupid showcase coming up," I said looking through my bag for my notebook.

I'm not exactly sure who did it, but my bag was in my locker this morning when I came to school. I guess maybe someone picked it up, knew it was mine and put it in my locker.

The only thing that bothered me about that was that Joney didn't do it, but she is the only one who knows my locker combo.

Nevertheless, I had my bag back with everything still in there, so I wasn't complaining.

Joney poked at her food and pouted. "I swear Mr. Haltz just hates us. Why else would we be the only juniors asked to participate?"

Still looking through my bag I let out a huff. "I don't know."

I shuffled through bag even more before giving up and looking at Joney.

"I left my notebook in my locker, let me go get it quickly. I'll be back," I said getting up from the table.

"We don't have to do this now, you know," she said eating a piece of her pizza, or at least I think it was pizza.

"When else will we feel like doing, though?" I said grabbing a few more fries, and walked out of the lunch door.

Whistling, I aimlessly looked around my school's main hallway. I would start bragging to you about how its intricate designs and beautiful mosaic on the walls attract over fifty new students each year, but I'd be wasting your time.

Mainly because I'd be making it up.

Our school was dull. The hallways were dull, the classrooms were dull, even the damn teachers were dull. You wanna know our school colors? Brown and maroon.

Excuse me? Whoever decided those colors go together should be arrested, and never released, forced to suffer in their own personal six by eight brick confinement room.

My pointless observations allowed me to reach my locker quicker than usual. I put in my combination in my locker and grabbed my blue notebook from my top shelf.

"Well I don't know what else you want me to do, I am as close as I can get," I heard a familiar voice say a little further down the hallway and around the corner.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I slowly began walking closer to the voice all the while getting an uncomfortable whiff of Déjà vu. Maybe it would have been in my best interest not to have a repeat of last night.

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