I'm Sorry

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New Chappie! I felt inspired :D I had this thing with this guy and then I broke it off, but it turns out his is really good friends with one of my best friends, so he came to her birthday party last night. There were only like six of us there... But then I reached this point where I was just like, I don't even care anymore.

Hate me if you want to because I am here for my best friend. Teen years+awkwardness= livin life is my new motto, and I just acted chill about it all eventhough I knew what he was saying about me before he came. Now we are friends again lol. :D Ok, story over, now on to the one you came to read!

I hope you all will enjoy it and will continue to :) Love you all! <3

Once I had calmed down after my fiasco at the pool, I went to my hotel room to wash up. I changed into a casual and comfortable outfit and met up with the crew downstairs in the lounge area of the hotel.Joney had gone up to her room to take a shower around the same time I had, and the others were just talking and on their phones.

When I received the call I put down my book and picked my phone up, my heart pounding with joy and worry when rmy eyes scanned across the caller ID.

"Mom?" I said quietly with hot Cheetos in my mouth as I answered my phone. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me, worried looks immediately slithered onto their faces. She immediately becaem blabbering at an impossibly fast speed, something my water-filled ears couldnt handle. I couldn't understand a single word she was saying, but her tone was frantic, as the octaves in her voice ranging from high to low in mere seconds. I was trying to grasp onto anything she said, but it was impossible.

"Mom, I'm going to need you to calm down," I said trying to interpret a sentence in all of her rambling.

"Put her on speaker," Jacen said once looking around at the other people in the room. No one was too close to us, so I agreed.

I quickly placed my phone down on the table in front of me, pushing on the speaker button. Her frenzied words were given more volume and the others looked on with distraught faces. Jacen looked up at me. "Do you mind if I-"

I waved him off and nodded giving him permission. All I wanted to know was if she was safe or not and I wasn't getting any information owith her in this state.

"Ma'am, this is Jacen Matthews," Jacen said very business-like. Her noises quickly dialed down, and all that was heard were a few sobs every now and then.

I looked at Jacen astonished, but his eyes were still set on the phone, a large frown darkening his face. How had he managed to calm down my hysterical mom when I hadnt been able to?

I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach that told me this wasn't the first time my mom had spoken to Jacen. Was my own mother holding secrets back from me as well?

She whispered something, but I couldn't heard what it was. "Could you please repeat that Mom?" I asked softly, scared that if I was too demanding she would go back into her previous state.

"They took me and the twin," I blanched, my eyes burning holes into the phone. "Don't go to the house baby it isn't safe anymore. They're here. They've been here. I'm so sorry honey."

"Who's here mom? Where are you?" I asked, frenzied. I dug my nails into my palms when I got a low whimper in response, and I heard a door open.

"I have to go baby, but I love you so much. Please don't forget that." She whispered, and then the line went dead.

"Mom," I breathed out. "Mom, mom!" I continued to yelled at the phone, shaking it even though I knew she was gone. Arms wrapped around me, trying to pull my phone out of my iron grip, but I fought against them. Those bastards took my mom and my siblings away from me.

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