Here We Go

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Yay new chapter swaggg <3

I threw my small heels somewhere in my room once I got there, and collapsed on my bed. I was uncomfortable in what I was wearing to be laying down, but I was too lazy to move.

"Zaph," Jacen called for the doorway.

"Mmm?" I groaned incoherently, my eyes still closed.

"Come here, there's something I need to show you something." I cracked my eyes open a sliver as I looked at him. He looked nervous, or at least, as nervous as Jacen Matthews was capable of looking.

"What?" I asked, sitting up.

"It's a surprise, now c'mon."

So demanding. I fell off of the bed, rolling on the floor towards the doorway until my body was too long to roll any further.

Jacen pulled me up by my wrists I held out to him, yanking my arms out of their sockets. "Can I have a piggyback ride?" I asked innocently.

My feet hurt from walking in those dang heels for too long. Granted they were small heels, and granted we were only gone for like an hour and a half but still.

He glanced at me as he started walking. "No."

I gaped at him. "Hey! It's my birthday!"

"And that means my back has to suffer?" I crossed my arms. Was he calling me fat?

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked incredulously to his bulky form. He stopped walking, and turned back towards me.

He grimaced as he contemplated something. "If I give you a piggyback ride, can this conversation be over?"

I cracked a smile and nodded. With a sigh, he turned back around and crouched low. "Come on Zaph."

I did not hesitate to hop on. "You sound really defeated for a piggyback ride." I moved my hands towards his face and pulled his lips into a smile with my thumb and index finger.

"Smile, you're beautiful!" I said jokingly, but
secretly meaning it on the inside. He shook my fingers from his face, and we entered his game room type area where the guys usually watched football.

He continued walking until we were face to face with another door, one that I was pretty sure led to outside, but had never checked.


"Shhh, let me do the talking," he told me quietly, and pulled open the door. My jaw went slack as my eyes soaked in the view in front of me.

My gently placed me back on the ground and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. As he placed his chin on the crown of my head, I brought my hand to my mouth in disbelief.

I feel like I stepped into a Tumblr picture as my gaze swept back and forth. Covering the entire lining of the balcony were beautiful shades of Mums. Mason jars with small candles in them illuminated the otherwise dark balcony.

The soft smell of lavender hit me, as Jacen shuffled behind me, one of his hands leaving my stomach. I turned to him, and he looked down at me, holding a beautiful bouquet of roses.

"Before I say anything, I want you to listen until the end okay?" I nodded at his words.

He took a deep breath. "Okay. The moment I met you I thought you were the most annoying girl I have ever encountered in my entire life. I had never had anyone, especially not a girl come at me head on, and it threw me off; I was Jacen Matthews for fuck's sake." He laughed bitterly to himself.

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