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Benjamin's POV

I felt some thing moist touch my mouth.

Wait, those aren't Ally's lips.

I quickly open my eyes to see Ally's foot in my face.

I quickly back away, run to the bathroom, was my mouth with warm water, brush my teeth for over ten minutes, use mouthwash 4 times and then I spray so mouth refreshing spray.

As I walk back into the room Ally is spread across the floor her eyes tearing as she hold her stomach nothing but laughter coming out of her mouth. If she becomes any louder she will wake up the whole and trust me we don't want that so in an effort to get her back I take off my sock and stuff it in her mouth. You should have seen how quick she arose.

Now I am the one laughing at her as she throws the sock at me and runs to the bathroom to repeat my actions.

I follow her and stand next to her.

"You okay?" I say with an innocent yet concernd face.

She tilts her head towards me.

I swear she looked like a possessed doll. She then sent me a fake smile.

I better get out of here.

*** Morning ***

Lizzy's POV

"Tobias, what do you mean we are lost?!" I say putting my hands in the air waving them like I just don't care.

"Calm down, babe. It just turns out I was holding the map upside-down."

Why is he so calm?!

We are currently in Germany. We been here for about a week now. My father had to come here for on business trip and he said I should come with. Ally said she would stay with Benjamin and his family so I asked Tobias to come with me.

"Lizzy, I told you we shouldn't give him the map." Amber says grabbing the map from Tobias.

"Yeah, I guess you were right." I say laughing at Tobias who is wiping a fake tear off his cheek.

Didn't I forget to mention that Amber came along too. Tobias insisted that she come, because his parents would've only let him come if she could go too.

She actually isn't that bad. Even though she and Jordan hurt both me and Ally.

I mean she is my boyfriend's sister and she did kind of apologise.

"If we want to make it to dinner we better hurry." Amber says pointing in the right direction.

"Let me carry your bag." Tobias says taking it from me.

*** Ally and Benjamin ***

Ally's POV

"Okay so...what do you wanna do today?" I ask to Benjamin sitting next to him.

He is currently busy on his laptop typing something. Lord knows what this kid is up to. He is not even paying any attention to what I am saying.

"You know I am leaving for home tomorrow?" He is still not listening.

So I got up and said goodbye to everyone since Lizzy is back and we are leaving tonight.

"Hey, sorry I was just busy with something, you will see when you get back home." He says all excited jumping up and down.

"Giving me something to look forward to?"

"Yeah, babe now let's get you to the airport."  He says shoving me out the door.

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