Chapter 1

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She had no idea, no idea at all that this could happen. There seemed to be no truth behind this. Felena Brastow was an average fifteen year old girl, but she had something that only very few have. She had powers. Powers that were rare. Felena was sitting at her desk, in her room, while she looked over the facts she had found. Facts that would not be true to anyone but herself and the few friends that was going though this with her. She pushed her long, black hair out of her face as she picked up the paper and sighed. She did not know what she was completely up against, but she knew it was dangerous. She knew there was more than one. There had to be because they were after them. All four of them. She sighed again as sh sat the paper down and picked up her phone to call her best friend, Julie Anderson. Julie picked up on the third ring.
"Hello?" Came Julie's gentle voice.
"Felena! How are you?"
"I'm alive."
"I understand babe." They both laughed when Julie said that.
"So, will you be able to come over this weekend?"
"I have no idea. I'll have to ask my parents."
"Okey. So......has anything happened?"
"Yes.......there were these things outside my window......they tried to get into the house. I could not tell what they looked like. It was too dark."
"I'm sorry sweety." Felena said as she took out her note book and wrote what happened to Julie in it. She always kept up with what was happing in case she ever forgot.
"What about you?" Felena sighed, took a deep breath and started.
"Yeah.......I was sitting in my room when I heard a noise outside and when I went to check there were these human like creatures and they were moving around at speeds which no human could muster. When one looked at me it had pitch black eyes. Nothing else, just completely black eyes."
"Really? God, that's creepy. Why do you think they looked like that? What could cause them to have black eyes?"
"I do not know. That can't be it."
"What? What were you thinking?"
"Nothing. I just hope that I'm wrong."
"I was thinking......well you know how they take different shapes? Well they might be demons. I just really hope that I am wrong."
"No. But they just might be."
"Man! Sorry sweety but I have to go. My mom's calling me."
"Okey sweety. Have fun. Love you."
"Love you too!"
The phone disconnected and Felena sighed. She picked up the paper and sighed again as she realized that they just might be up against demons. The facts screamed that. She took a deep breath and ran a hand through her hair. She pulled out her hand out of her hair and looked at both her hands. She was pale. Very pale. She had her nails painted black so they stood out, and they were really long, she never cut her nails. Never. She never felt she had the need to. She stood up and walked over to the full length mirror and stared back at her reflection. She look good. Well in her opinion. She had hair that was longer than waist length and was as black as midnight with no moon. She was pale, here skin almost seemed transparent. She had bright blue eyes that could look like chips of ice if she wanted them too. She had a slim body, not to skinny, not to big, she had nice curves. She was not tall, she toped out at five foot three. She pursed her lips and stared at herself. Finally she sighed and walked over to her desk and, once again, picked up her phone, this time to call Trae Clark, her boyfriend. Trae picked up on the first ring.
"Hi Fe."
"Hi Trae."
"How are you?"
"I'm good. What about you?"
"Great, now that I'm talking to you."
"Your so corny!"
"That's why you love me!"
Felena rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "I miss you. When can I see you?"
"I miss you too. Maybe today! How does lunch at Derry Queen sound?"
"That sounds great!"
"Well then, I'll come and pick you up at eleven forty five."
"Alright. I'll be here."
"Love you babe!"
"Love you too honey!" The phone went dead and Felena smiled as she thought about her date. She looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was eleven o'clock. She jumped up and ran into the shower.

When she got out of the shower, she put on her ripped black jeans, a tank top that said 'Pretty Little Psycho' in red letters. She brushed her hair and put on her black combat boots. She was scrolling through the pictures on her phone, when she heard a knock at the front door. She jumped up, put her phone in her pocket, and ran down to the door. When she opened it, she smiled and jumped into the arms of Trae. She heard him laugh, and smiled when he wrapped his arms around her. She pulled back to look at Trae. He had beautiful green eyes, dark brown hair, and a nice face. He had lost his boyish looks a couple of years ago and now looked like a man. He had also matured a lot too, although he still could act like a kid, but that's why she loved him.
"Hi Felena."
"Hello Trae. Was it fun o ride down here?"
"Of course it was, I was coming to see you, my beautiful short, girl!"
"I'm not short!" She yelled up at Trae's six foot two inches.
"Yeah, whatever babe. I like it though. You look so cute down there." Felena stuck her tongue out at him then squealed as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and walked to the car.
"Trae!" Felena yelled as she laughed as he bounced her.
"What beautiful?"
"Put me down!"
He laughed and continued to walk to the car with her still on his shoulder. When he got to the car he opened the passengers side and sat her in, being careful of her head. Felena stuck her tongue out at him again squealed as he licked her tongue. He laughed and then walked over to the drivers side and got in an looked over at her.
"What?" Felena asked as she raised an eyebrow and reached over and brushed a brown lock of hair out of his face. She smiled when he took her hand and kissed her palm.
"Nothing. Just that I am still amazed by how beautiful you are."
Felena rolled her eyes. "Still so cheesy."
"You know you love me for it."
"I hate it when your right."
He laughed and held her hand as he drove out of the drive way and down the road.
"Where are your parents at?" Trae asked as thy drove into the parking lot of Derry Queen.
"They went out for the day. I am glad actually. I was tired of hearing them fight all the darn time." Felena stared out the window as she thought about all the arguments they had, some had gotten pretty bad, they had used their hands and other things to beat each other with.
"Felena, look at me." She looked over at him and saw that his face showed that he understood what she was thinking about because he had been there a few times. Felena took a deep breath and fought off the memories of when she was younger.
"It's going to be okey sweety. I will always be here for you. You will never be alone as long as I'm here."
"Thank you sweety. This is why I love you so much. Now can we please go get some lunch? I'm starved!" Trae laughed as he got out of the car and walked over to her side of the car and opened it, then helped her out.
"Such a gentleman."
"You know it beautiful!"
Felena rolled her eyes and when she went to take a step she got really dizzy and fell backwards only to just being caught by Trae.
"Felena! What's wrong?! Felena please don't black out on me!"
But it was too late, Felena closed her eyes as everything went black.

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