Chapter 5

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Hey sorry I didn't do this when I first put out the chapter but I forgot about it. Anyways here is what Alonzo is supposed to look like. Love you kiddos!

Felena was sitting at a nice looking table in a big room with a bunch of food. At one end, Alonzo was sitting, eating pizza and at the other, Felena who was also eating pizza. They were both looking at one another, niether speaking. After they both had finished, Alonzo had brought Felena back to her room and asked if there was anything else she needed.
"Ummm.... Yes. I was wondering if I could see Trae Clark? My boyfriend." She added the last part quickly to remind her that she did have a boyfriend. Felena grew weary when she saw Alonzo's eyes darken time almost a complete red when she said that Trae was her boyfriend. She gulped as he walked so close to Felena that she could feel his breath on her face.
"So..... That.... boy is your boyfriend?" He said this in a way that made him sound confused yet very angry. Felena nodded, fear coursing through his veins. His eyes darkened further, and she thought that he was going to kill her but surprised her with his next questions.
"Do you love him? And does he love you?" Felena's eyes widened at the questions. Of course she loved Trae! He was so sweet and nice and everything she wanted in a boy. She opened her mouth to say yes to both of the questions but something stopped her. Why couldn't she say it? Why? She knew that he loved her and that she liked him a lot..... but then a long lost memory struck her. A memory that she had burried deep down because it hurt so much to think about it. It had been four years ago. Four years. She blinked and shook her head to clear her head of it but it wouldn't go away. Then she had a very weird thought. The thought gave her hope but yet scared the shit out of her.
"Alonzo.... Have we ever met before?" She asked this hesitantly. She was afraid of the answer. She watched as Alonzo cocked his head to the side and stared at her for a while.
"Yes," he said finally, "last time we met was four years ago. Four yeas ago today to be exact. You've grown so much, my little Fireball." Felena gasped. There had been only one person that had ever called her Fireball and that had been her first boyfriend. A boyfriend of five years. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
"Alonzo..... I-is it re-really you? I-I-I thought that you di-died.... That's what everyone said.... That you died..... That you were ra-ran over b-by a c-ca-car....." Felena couldnt hold her tears back anymore. She started crying. Alonzo wrapped his arms around her tightly.
"Yes. It's me Felena. I was ran over by a car, but I didn't want to leave you alone, so I tried to see if I could contact some other type of force and a demon answered my calling. He said that he would keep you safe in exchange for my soul. I took it. I just couldn't stand to leave you alone. He kept his promise and I mine. I worked as his servant and did everything he told me told me to. I was eventually given a reward but I got to choose this reward and it could be any mortal that I wanted but there was a catch. This mortal had to have some type of powers and I choose you. When I located you I found you with that boy and I was pissed. I wanted you as mine and mine only. So I started on a way to get you here, and wouldn't you know it, when I sent one of my servants to go do something for me, you were there. You and that.....boy. So I told him to bring you back and when he did I saw how badly you were hurt and knew that it could have only been my servant. I nearly killed him. The only thing that stopped me from killing him was you waking up. I'm so so so sorry my little Fireball. I love you Felena. More than you'll ever know."
Felena was shocked. She hadn't expected anything like that. She pulled back and looked up at him.
"So.... Let me get this straight... You were keeping an eye on me? So does that mean that everything that didn't seem normal was because you wanted to keep an eye on me?"
"Yes and no. No because it really wasn't me, yes because I an the reason that you were being kept safe."
"What do you mean by protected?"
"Nothing. You need to get to bed and get some sleep. I love you Felena." He then lent down and kissed her forehead. Felena leaned into him and closed her eyes. She loved him too. She was the main reason she had been depressed. Yes, she was depressed because of her family, but Alonzo along with Trae had been there for her, mostly Alonzo though. She wished she wasn't dating Trae, so she could tilt her head up and kiss him on the lips. She remembered the first time they had kissed and she wanted to kiss him again. She felt more tears fall.
"Goodnight my little Fireball. I'll take you too see that boy tomorrow." He pulled away from her and left, closing the door behind him.
"I love you too..." She whispered in the dark, quiet room. She walked over to the closet and pulled out some night clothes and got into the shower.

When she came out, she lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. More tears falling. She just couldn't believe that she had run into her long lost love. She let a small smile grace her lips as she remembered all of the times they had together. Then she had to fight back tears as she remembered what happened to him. How he had died.
"Alonzo...." She whispered as she fought back tears. She had him back, but she had a boyfriend and he was so different how he used to be. She close her eyes and thought back to when he had first asked her out.

Felena had been sitting outside at a lake that was few miles away from her house. She had always come here to get away from her parents. They had been fighting again and when Felena had come out of her room to see what had caused it this time, she had been smacked by her mom, hard. When she had gotten up from her mother smacking her, her dad pounced on her. Beating her bloody. She didn't even get a chance to breath during the beating. When her dad finally let off her, she used what little strength she left leave the house. When she first left she went into the woods behind her house to rest a bit. When she could finally move easy again, she had gotten up and headed towards the lake. She had always love the lake. It was the most beautiful place to her. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her when she felt someone hug her from behind. She jumped and quickly looked behind her to see her best friend, Alonzo. She smiled up at him.
"Hi. Your parents again?" He asked when he noticed the bruises, welts, and dried blood on her.
"Yea...." She trailed off, looking at the ground.
"You alright?"
"I'll live." She always responded with the same answer she gave every time someone asked her if she was okay or what was wrong. She looked back up at him. Sh had always had a crush on him. He always seemed to be there for her, always there when she needed him. She also thought that he was cute, which he was, with his dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin and he was tall, for his age anyways. She stood and wrapped her arms around his waist, buring her face in his chest. She wished that he would feel the same, but she knew that he wouldn't. She was too weird and withdrawn. She smiled when he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight to him.
"Ummm.... Fe-Felena.... I-I-I was wondering i-i-if you wo-wo-would go o-o-out wi)with m-m-m-me....." Felena looked up at him in shock. Had she heard him correctly? He wanted to go out with her? She blinked.
"Wait. What? Did you just ask me out?" Alonzo gulped.
"Y-yes..." Felena grinned and threw herself at him, hugging him tight.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She screamed as she hugged him. She giggled when she heard his relieved laugh.
"Oh thank God!" Alonzo breathed a sigh of relief, he was happy she wanted him. Felena buried her face in his chest, the biggest smile on her face.

Felena smiled as she remembered that. She still couldn't believe that she was here with her long lost boyfriend.......

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