Chapter 6

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A/N: There are a few cuss words in here and a few suggestioned themes. Nothing to bad on the themes. And the picture is what Trae is supposed to look like. There is nothing to bad in here but if you don't like then don't read. Fair warning.

When Felena woke up the next morning she was greeted by Alonzo standing by the doorway, a tray in his hands. He smiled at her and walked over.
"Sorry if I freaked you out. I just wanted to bring you breakfast in bed." He gave her one of his sweet smiles. She smiled back and looked down and her food. He had brought her toast, eggs, bacon and a biscuit with sausage and jelly. He had brought her sweet tea to drink. She looked back up at him.
"Thank you very much."
"Your welcome." His smile could've lit up a moonless night. She started eating.
"Felena..... Do you still want to see that boy?" Felena looked up at him and nodded her head.
"I still want to see him. I mean he still is my boyfriend after all...." She flinched when she saw Alonzo's eyes flash when she mentioned Trae as her boyfriend. He looked at her and his eyes softened.
"I know that we were all once close friends, it's just that I consider you my girlfriend and hearing you call him your boyfriend, it hurts. It hurts a lot."
"I'm sorry Alonzo." She looked back at him, letting her pain and love show. She still loved him. She loved him very much, but she also cared for Trae. They were close and she knew that Trae really liked her. Felena closed her eyes and thought about what she was going to do. She felt Alonzo brush his fingers over her hair and then go behind her head, then his other hand went under her chin, lifting her face towards him. All the while Felena kept her eyes closed, she trusted Alonzo with her life. When she felt a pare of lips on hers, she jumped and her eyes snapped open. Alonzo was kissing her. It had been so long since she had kissed him and if she said that she didn't like it or didn't miss it, she would be lieing. Felena closed her eyes and kissed back. It felt so right. It felt right to kiss him, to be with him. She threw herself into the kiss, pressing into him and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. His arms slipped around her waist and held her flush against him. He opened his mouth and she followed suit. She moaned and Alonzo took the chance and pushed his tounge into her mouth, claming it as his. They continued this for a few minutes before he slowly pulled away and stared at her. Felena finally opened her eyes, both breathing heavy. Felena blushd and looked away, her cheeks burning. She felt a finger under her chin, lifting it so she was forced to look at him.
"You okay?" Alonzo asked, his brows furrowed.
"Yeah.... It just feels weird kissing someone who is supposedly dead and is not the guy that I've been kissing recently." She said this softly, her eyes loved on the ground. Alonzo nodded. He understood what she ment and didn't blame her one bit. Felena heard him sigh and felt him drop his hand from her chin.
"Do you still want to see that boy?" He asked, his voice hard an cold. Felena winced, she knew that he didn't like Trae, and she couldn't really blame him. She sighed and nodded.
"Okay. Get ready and I'll take you to him." Alonzo nodded before walking out of the room. Felena signed and closed her eyes. She walked over to here dresser and pulled out a black shirt that had a skull on it and black jeans that had rips in them. She also grabbed a black lacy bra and underwear. Then she walked into the bathroom, undressed and hopped into the shower. She turned everything over in Jr head as the warm water pelted her head and slid down her slim body. She sighed as she continued on with her shower. When she got out, she got dressed and grabbed a brush that was on the back of the sink. She brushed her hair while she found a pare of socks and knee high black leather boots. Once she finished brushing her hair and putting on her socks and boots she stared at herself in the mirror. Her pail flesh looked pailer than normal. Her eyes had a dull look to them. Her hair was still damp and clung to her face, making her look both pailer than normal and skinnier. She tore her eyes form her reflection when she heard the door to her room open. She walked into her room to see Alonzo standing there. She sighed and walked over. He didn't look at her.
"Are you ready?"
"Yeah." Her voice sounded flat, even to her. She looker up at him. He looked sad, but the only way she could tell was because his jaw was clinched and his eyes held a small amount of pain. She sighed again. Then she walked over to him, then he lead the way out of the room and down a long hallway. They didn't touch or talk as they walked down the long hallways. When they finally stopped it was outside a door that lead to Trae's room. The room was a thirty minute walk away from her own.
"Well............ Here's his room. You can stay in there as long as you want. No one will be in there with you, other than him of course. No one will listen to your conversation. Have fun." He nodded to the door, she nodded and went to open it when he stoped her.
"Here," he placed a small object in her hand, "when your ready to leave, press the button and I'll come get you and take you back to your room." She nodded and opened the door, stepping in. She closed the door behind her and noticed that Trae's room was decorated to his liking as hers had been. She looked around and noticed that she didn't see Trae anywhere.
"Trae! Are you in here?" She called, her voice sliceing through the silence like a knife. Then she heard a door open and watched as Trae stepped out. He was wearing nothing but a pair or blue jeans that hung low on his hips, his hair was still wet and lay flat on his head, water glistened in his chest and abdomen. Felena blushd and looked away, her cheeks felt like they were on fire.
"Felena!" She heard Trae yell and the next thing she knew, she was tackled by him. His arms wrapped tight around her. Felena blushed harder as she felt her cheek press against him bare chest.
"Hi Trae." Felena said, her voice soft. Trae pulled back and looked down at her.
"What's wrong, babe?"
"A whole lot." Felena said, her face looking sad. "We have a lot to talk about. Lets sit down on the bed because it's a long story." They sat on the bed and Felena started telling Trae about everything that had happened since she woke up in that chamber. When she finished, she sat there, waiting for Trae's response.
"So...... Your telling me that your old boyfriend is alive and doesn't like me because I'm your new boyfriend and you still like him and that you actually kissed him? What the hell Felena!" Trae screamed at her. "Do you really expect me to believe that story? You've probably been drugged and that asshole is feeding you lies! What are you thinking believing what he says?"
"He called me by a nickname that only he knows. Only one person called me by that name and that was Alonzo. Not even you know the nickname. Hell not even my best friend knows the nickname! No one flipping did!" Felena screamed at him.
"Oh yeah? So, some guy calls you by a nickname and you believe what that person says? That was very stupid of you Felena! You're a very smart girl Felana and I was hoping that you would know what was true or not! Really Felena! Just really?" Trae was mad, no, he was beyond mad, he was pissed and he was hurting Felena's feelings. Then again, she couldn't really blame him. Him and Alonzo used to be best friends before he died.
"Fine! Let me prove or to you!" Felena pulled out the little device that Alonzo has given her and pressed the button.
"He'll be here any minute." And she was right. Not even two minutes later, the door opened and Alonzo stepped in. He walked over to Felena and grabbed her, pulling her against him tightly and glaring at Trae.
"What's wrong Felena?" Alonzo had a dark tone to his voice.
"Nothing. I just want you to prove to Trae that you're real and that you're alive." Alonzo looked at Trae and started to remember the times that they had shared together.
"Trae...... Long time no see... So I see that you and Felena have hit it off." Trae was staring at Alonzo. Felena could tell that he wanted to believe but wouldn't.
"Why have you been feeding Felena lies?" Trae yelled, his voice seemed strained.
"I haven't. Do you want me to prove it to you?" Alonzo asked, his eyes still locked on Trae.
"Yeah. Prove it to me that you're the long lost boyfriend " Trae had sarcasm dripping from his words. Alonzo nodded before he said softly, "do you remember when you, Felena and me all went down to the lake where we would always hang out, you and me exchanged blood when Felena was off doing something? I bet you still have that scar don't you? I do." Alonzo held up his right hand and both Felena and Trae saw the scar that ran across his palm. Felena and Alonzo watched as Trae lifted up his right hand and stared at it, then showed it to them and they saw the same scar on his hand that was on Alonzo's.
"Wait," Felena said, "you guys told me that you cut yourselves while working on something together." Alonzo chuckled.
"We didn't want to worry you Fireball. We just exchanged blood and became blood brothers. We knew that you would think it was stupid so we nevr told you. We never told anyone." He looked up at Trae and coed his head to the side. Trae seemed to be in shock. He had never told anyone that. Only him and Alonzo knew.
"There's no way. No way in hell that your Alonzo. He..... Died........ Years ago....." Trae was shakeing his head. He was in complete shock. Alonzo sighed.
"I know Trae. I know. It's hard to believe and what I'm about to tell you will be harder to believe but please just try." Alonzo then started telling Trea what he had told Felena when she had first met him. Felena watched as Trae became more shocked than before. When Alonzo finally finished Trae sat there, taking everything he had just heard in. Finally Trae asked, "why don't you like me anymore? What changed?" Alonzo sighed.
"It's not that I don't like you. You're an awesome guy. It just really hurts me that you and Felena are together because I really love Felena and still consider her as mine. So it's nothing personal it's just that I still have a clam in Felena." Trae nodded. He couldn't blame Alonzo for being upset. They had been an awesome couple, and he bet if they got back together they'd be an awesome couple again, but he didn't want to give up Felena, though if she chose Alonzo, he wouldn't be mad at her or Alonzo. Upset? Yes. But mad? No. He looked at Felena. She was a very beautiful, very smart individual and knew that if she choose something then she had thought about it and felt it was the best move for her. He sighed. If Felena choose Alonzo he knew she would have thought everything though. She was a super smart girl. It was one or the reasons he loved her.
"Felena....... Who do you want to be with? Me or Alonzo?" he had to know. He just had to. He watched as Felena became shocked. She hadn't been expecting the question. It did come out of the blue, so he understood.
"Ummm....... I don't know. Let me think it all though and I'll get back to you on that. I Really don't know so don't think I'm just saying that because I'm trying to spare your feelings." She took a deep breath. Trae knew she was telling the truth. He just hoped that who evr she chose, that sh was happy and that she knew without a doubt it was the right choice. He smiled at her.
"Alright babe." Felena smiled back and walked over to him and hugged him tight.
"Be carefull Trae. I mean it." Trae smiled down at her.
I will. You too okay?" Felena smiled.
"I will." She hugged him again before she walked back over to Alonzo and said she was ready to go back to her room. Alonzo nodded and they left. When they got back to her room Alonzo hugged her and kissed her head.
"Do you want me to bring you lunch later?"
"Please?" She smiled up at him.
"Of coures Fireball. Be good. I'll be back later." She smiled at him before she walked I to her room and sat on her bed, thinking of Trae and Alonzo and witch one she should choose. She closed her eyes and sighed, flopping back on the bed.

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