chapter 6

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It wasn't heated or magical or earth shattering,  it was just a kiss.  But it was nice, the perfect combination of soft and strong, for the second and a half that it lasted.

I'm first to pull away, "I'm sorry.  I know you said..." I trail off and into my own thoughts, as a tear slips from my eye.

"It's okay, please don't cry," she tries to brush my tear away but I pull back before her hand makes contact with my skin.

"No, it's not okay, we agreed that this wasn't going to happen, and then I did it."  Another tear betrays me and follows the first.  I stand up and move to the couch, burying my head in the mountain of suede pillows.  I feel the cushion sink beside me, and cool hands are placed on my back.

"Teddy, please look at me."

"No," my voice is meek and trembling.

She sighs and starts to remove the pillows from my head.  As the light slowly creeps into my fortress of solidarity, I try to burrow under the cushion itself and fail miserably.  With nowhere else to hide, I wipe away the remaining tears and prepare to face Addison.

"Teddy, I promise it's fine.  Things happen, we get caught in the moment.  It's okay." Her piercing blue eyes are full of love, but also seem a bit darker than normal, 'is it the poor lighting?  It has to be.  Right?'

"Okay.  I'm still sorry though."

"Don't be.  It was nice."  'There! Her eyes just got darker I know it!'  My stomach starts filp-flopping and knotting.  'I have to be imagining it, right!?  The rule was her idea in the first place.'  "Teddy ar- are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

I snap back to reality,  "Oh, uh, ye- yeah.   I'm fine, just um thinking.  Yeah, thinking."  My words are rushed and I'm not even 100% sure what I'm saying.

She slips off the couch and sits on her knees beside it facing me, "Thinking about what?"  Her eyes flicker down my face while the tip of her tongue runs along the bottom of her top teeth and lip. 

My heart skips a beat,"is she insinuating what I think she's insinuating?'  "Addie?" I whisper.

"Yeah?"  her voice is low, and she slowly leans towards me.  I try to speak but my mind and mouth don't cooperate, so I do the only thing I can; I lean in too.  With only about 4 inches separating us, we both stop, as if on cue.  "Teddy?"

Our eyes lock and I find the strength to answer, "yeah?"

"I'm going to kiss you," she speaks no louder than a whisper, but is certain in her declaration.  I can only nod in response.  As she moves closer my eyes wander from hers unto her lips, before they finally fully close.

This kiss is different.  It's slow, and we adjust to the feel of one-another.  Her hand reaches up and rests in my hair, not to pull me closer, but as if to say ,'I have you, and nothing will come between us.'  I smile at the gesture, causing my tongue to rest on the bottom of the lip that is captured between mine. Her mouth parts farther, and my tongue slowly moves in, to be met by another.  There is no duel or battle between the two like you read about in books, they just brush and return to their respective homes.  Lips close back around each other, and then leisurely pull apart.  I stay with my eyes closed and my forehead resting against hers, for quite sometime, trying to wrap my head around what just happened.  I'm convinced that it was all a dream and when I open my eyes I'll be alone, still mourning the loss of my best friend.  I finally find the courage to open my eyes, only to find deep blue ones staring back at me, and I smile.

"Thank you," my words are sincere and confusion spreads across the red head's face.

Her head tilts and she giggles a response, "for what?"

"Being here when I opened my eyes."

The confusion only grows on her fair features, "did you think I would run away in the 30 seconds your eyes were still closed?"

I sit up and face her full-on, "no, but for those 30 seconds I was sure that it had all been just another dream, and that when I were to open my eyes it would all be over, and I would be alone with my fear and sorrows."

Confusion turns to a sad smile as she sits up on her knees, leveling her face to mine, and wraps her arms around me in a tight and warm embrace, "it's all gonna to be okay Teddy."


She turns her head and places a kiss on my cheek before answering, "I promise."

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