Chapter 8

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I look around at the small dining area, 'this is far too close for comfort.'  No sooner do I sit down, than the southern drawl cuts through me.

"Are you not going to offer your mother a cup of tea?"

I roll my eyes and stand back up, "would you like some tea?  I have black, mint, green, rooibos, chamomile, and white." I have more, but I don't feel like making anything fancy.

"Do you not have any sweet tea?"  Her eyes go wide with shock.

'Did i say i have sweet tea? Jesus Hot Sauce Christmas Cake!'  "No ma'am.  I don't drink sweet tea anymore."  I can hear the southern twang creeping back into my voice, and fight like hell to make it stop.

She shakes her head in disapproval, nothing new there.  "I guess I'll take a black tea with some sugar then."

"Brown sugar or honey?"

"Do not tell me that you don't have any white sugar.  I raised you better than that."

'I'm finally eating healthy, and she's mad about it.. wow.'  "I'm sorry?"

There's that head shake again, "I guess I'll take honey."

I quickly walk over to the stove and grab the tea kettle before I say something I'll regret.  While it's boiling I make myself busy setting up the mugs, careful not to grab my usual "One Crazy Bitch" one.  It was the last gift I got from Zona.

*One Year Ago*

It was a night of peaceful slumber, one that only comes once in a blue moon.  So much had happened lately,  Arizona is still convinced that Callie will choose her.  I mean sure they text everyday, but I think she actually see's her maybe once a week.  I'm trying to get over my feelings, but it's difficult.  I see her hurt and alone, and I want nothing more than to wrap her in my arms and make everything better for her.  Its almost finals season, so studying has become everyone's biggest priority.  Late nights, early mornings, sleep is a rarity which is why this night was so important to me.  I had got out of work study early, and came straight home.  I had spent every night of the week in the library from 5 until it closed, but tonight was for sleep.  I was so run down and tired that I could barely keep my eyes open anymore, which isn't safe when you work in the Theatre workshop with power saws and other dangerous machinery.   Tonight I was back in the apartment by 5 and asleep by 5:15.

It was a dreamless sleep, that I was hoping to last upwards of 14 hours, but that apparently wasn't in the stars.

I didn't hear my bedroom door open or feel the weight on the bed change.  It wasn't until there was hot breath on my face, and light shakes to my shoulder, that I started to wake up.  My room was still dark, but now there was a beam of light coming from the door that was left cracked open.

"What the hell?"  My voice was groggy and full of sleep.

"I have something for you,"  it was the voice of an angel.

"Arizona, what the hell?  I'm trying to sleep."  I try to push her away, but lack the strength to really move.

"Come on, just open it,"  she shoves a brown box at me.

"Can't this wait until morning?"

"No.  I don't know when I'll see you again."

"Zo, we live together, you'll see me pretty much everyday."

"Will you please just open it?"  I can see tears glistening in the corners of her eyes.

"Zo, what's wrong."  I'm wide awake now, concern flooding every bit of my body.

"Nothing, I just really want you to open this."

I hesitantly take the box from her hands.  "Are you sure you're okay?"  I know something is wrong but I can't tell what.  Did she and Callie get into another fight?

"I'll be okay.  Now please just open it so that we can go back to sleep."

I do as she commands, my eyes locked on her face as I fumble with the box.  She keeps looking between me and the box, her blonde waves fall perfectly around her face.  "Are you gonna open it or just stare at me?"

I quickly look down and open the box to reveal a huge pink mug.  I pulled out the  hand written note that lies inside the mug.  "From 'One Crazy Bitch' to another.  Happy Birthday, love."  "But my birthday isn't for like another month and a half."

"I know, i just thought you could use the mug for finals.  That's all."

I laugh, I have been in need of a bigger mug.  I pull it out and in huge black and white letters reads, "One Crazy Bitch".  "Thanks Zo."

"You're welcome," she half heartedly smiles, "go back to sleep now."

I nod, as she crawls out of my bed and makes her way back to the door.  "Zona,"  she stops but keeps her back towards me, "are you sure you're alright?"

I hear her sigh, "I'll all be okay, love.  Now, get some sleep, you're gonna need it." And with that she leaves.

I lie in bed awake thinking about her.  The sadness in her eyes and posture, the way she tried to mask her problems, the hurt deep in her voice.  Something was not right.  And then I heard it.  *BANG!*

*Present day*

The whistle of the tea kettle jerks my from my thoughts.  I can feel the warm tears trailing down my cheeks, and I quickly wipe them away before grabbing a pot holder and the tea kettle.  'One year.'  That night haunts me, 'I was the person she went to.  I let her walk away.  If only I hadn't let her go, she would still be here.  It's all my fault.  She is.. was.. my best friend.  How could I let that happen.'   The tears flow freely down my face now, until my mother's voice reminds me that I'm not alone, "Theodora, stop dilly-dallying and bring in the tea.  We need to talk, and I don't have all night."  I wipe away the tears again and finish pouring the water.  I place the kettle on a cool burner, put the tea, honey and a spoon on a tray, and head back over to the small table.  'This is not going to be fun.'

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