What is that?!

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Percy POV

Derj the jerk reached out to touch me and I snapped at his hand. He brought both hands upon me to grab me. I grew as big as a semi truck with nastily wicked teeth. He backed up looking extremely scared.

Why are you afraid of puppy?- Korri asks with a wicked smile

Yea he's a sweetheart!- Loki says dropping onto my back. Everyone grew worried I would eat her I think judging by what I read from their minds.

Hey can you get off?- I ask through mind link

No- she says back

Why are you talking to the dog?- annabitch asks

Cause I got him from my dad therefore I can talk to him through mind link suckers!- Loki yells so the camp can hear her.

So your mut is from your dad?- derk asks

Yep!- she proudly pronounced which is weird usually everyone hates me

So who's your dad?- annabitch asks

Well he's powerful enough where I could kill you and the gods would do nothing about it. He's CHAOS!- Loki yells the last word

He's practically our brother and he's not just a dog he's a human! Comeon shift back Percy - Sarah says

Ya Percy shift back so we can see your beautiful eyes please brother!- Atlanta says

Fine- I excluded my eyes to be covered my shadow hood. Speaking of shadow.

Thalia do you still have shadow? - I ask her

Oh yea here- she says pulling him out of her bag

Thanks can I go back and play with him or do I have to stay?- I hesitantly ask Artemis

I'd prefer if you went with the girls to the cabin as they won't be interrupted there. - Artemis says putting emphasis on the last part so we went to the cabin.

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