Chapter 22

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I turned my wide eyes from the car to look up at Nate. Without looking at me, he pulled me away from the growing crowd.

"You've been avoiding me." He stared at me with serious eyes. My thoughts were still a bit rattled after that near-death experience. I strained to get my bearings. We were currently in an alcove near the employee entrance for the movie theater.

I dropped my bags on the ground next to me for a momentary relief.

The bags rustled when I moved, "No, that's not true. We're just both really busy people." I said. Then a thought occurred to me, I looked at him squarely. "You can't talk, you have been avoiding me as well."

He gazed at me intensely, speaking softly. "Putting space and time between us allows me to think clearly, because you cause much confusion."

I jerked my head up, "Me?" I challenged. "You are the one causing all the confusion. Like what happened to your face, was that a costume or something...else? Bad make-up?"

Upon finishing my defense, my eyes wandered from his face to his shoulder. I placed my hand on the spot that should have been dangerously wounded. "Are you okay? I mean, is your shoulder okay?

He nodded. The motion was unsure and jerky. I took a deep breath and dared to fully look at him. "What...are you?" I asked. "No doubt, that is a silly question and I apologize if I sound like some looser heroine, but there isn't any other way to ask." The silence that followed was awkward. I rubbed the back my head and sighed. "Your skin felt like a cracked ceramic, and some animal attacked from the shrubs. I cannot get that picture out of my mind." Flustered by his expressionless face, I threw my hands up. "Go ahead, just tell me that you are a vampire. Tell me that you sparkle, or that you can turn yourself into a wolf at night. If not, then I need to get some serious psychiatric help."

The slight widening of his eyes, made me feel even more stupid, "And why would I be a vampire?"

I gestured to his form, "Well, you are tall, good-looking, and aloof. These are attributes of a vampire, in my book. I mean, come on. How many anti-social rich brats do you know?" He lowered his eyes and I felt ashamed. "Okay, I'm sorry. Please don't eat me...I taste horrible." My inane muttering must have been amusing, because he started laughing. I realized that I could not remember hearing him laugh before today. His laughter made me feel warm.

He shook his head, causing his hair to fall into his face, and leading me to conclude that maybe I was wrong. "Okay so not a Vampire." My eyes lit up with confidence, "then you must be a werewolf. That would be so cool! Are you a werewolf?" I asked my eyes wide in my excitement.

By this time Nate was holding his stomach. He laughed without control. I watched him and could not help laughing along with him.

"Hah," he reached towards me, and grabbed my hand. My laughter stuck in my throat.

His eyes captured mine, "You are not average, but it isn't because there is something special about you, it's the human element that has me fascinated."

My heart pounded in my head. "What do you mean 'human element'?"

Nate nodded and gently smiled down at me. "If you really wish to know, meet me at The Marina tonight about eleven and I will show you."

He seemed earnest and I felt my curiosity increased. I would not call it some great romantic pull, but it was gentle tug of interest that I felt. I nodded with a small amount of reluctance. I answered finally, "Sure it's not like I'm doing anything else."

He chided, teasingly, "Not even our project?"

I frowned, "Speaking about tha..."

"Corrine!" My mom's voice sounded confused and relieved. I spun around and saw her standing at the entrance to the path of the alcove, her face confused. "What are you doing here? I've been trying to call you?"

"Oh, I was..." I turned around and Nate was gone. Now that figures. We needed a batman like exit with non-humans, huh.

My mom walked over to my side, her face curious, "You were..."

I shook my head and picked up my bags, "It's nothing. Let's go. You know Dad cannot live without you being next to him longer than five hours."

Mom laughed, walking along beside me, "It's not that, he just can't cook so he gets tired of making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for himself."

We laughed as we made our way towards the parking lot. My thoughts my impending meeting at the marina weighed heavy on the back of my mind.

Later that night, I borrowed my father's fully loaded man's pickup truck. I cruised down Riverside Drive and made my way to The Marina. The Marina was primarily a park, but also boasted a docking station for lovely yachts and houseboats, in honor of Wilma Ruldolph, the Olympic Gold Medalist in Track and Field born in this town. 

 Bethany and Candy often dragged me there to jog, an activity they enjoyed, but one that I only endured. The park closed at sunset, but people still hung out there and were generally not bothered. Teenagers kept the car lights off and walked to the more secluded areas to enjoy the solitude.

I pulled up and parked next to the glass-enclosed structure that overlooked the river. I hesitated a moment, thinking this is how horror movies begin. I opened the door and stepped down out of the truck, putting muscle and back into closing it behind me.

"You made it." Nate said from behind me.

I startled and tried to make a casual joke. "Sorry. But your sneaking up on me has got to stop."

He smiled. I took it to be a genuine smile, so I returned his smile with my own. He put his hand out for me to take. This gesture was a bit old-fashioned so I looked down at it. His hand offered two choices. I could go back to doing whatever and live my life, or I could allow myself to be dragged into another world and see where this leads.

Curiosity increased as my imagination took control. I wasn't sure what is going on here, but it all focused on this guy-a confirmed weirdo and stalker. Normally, he and I would have nothing in common. However, now that I am here it seems an admission of an interest that I would never have entertained even a week ago.

Tonight I will play a stupid heroine. Tonight I will forget all the possible bad results of my choice and I'll act outside what's real. I placed my hand in his, "This better be worth it, wolf-man."

He smirked, tightening his hold on my hand, "Trust me, you won't regret a thing."

Ishook my head doubtfully as he led me away from the parking lot.660d8d�P��m%

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