Chapter 28

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Suddenly I was able to get in more air. I landed on the ground with a solid thump. I tried to gulp more air into my lungs as my strength failed. I was freaking out, while simultaneously crawling away from him. His voice showed a note of interest as he walked slowly behind me. I could barely comprehend what he said. "Oh my. You...You are not a human, nor are you yet one of them. Just what are you, girl? I smell something in you. Very alluring."

I tried to get to my feet. I knew one thing, and that was that I must get away from him.

He continued to speak. "Where are you going? You will not be able to hide from me. Anywhere." He stretched his arms to demonstrate and encompass the woods that surrounded us.

Letting his arms drop back to his side, he smirked as he walked closer to me, "This is my expertise!" He yelled out in show style. Sighing, he knelt down next to me. I still had my back to him. He was agitated and asked. "Are you listening to me?"

My answer was to slam a branch into the side of his face. Instead of knocking him onto his ass, it merely made him turn his head. So I followed up with my boot to his face. I managed to jump up to my feet and ran, fueled by pure fear. I dodged branches and jumped over raised roots.

I stumbled, before falling down amongst the leaves. Rocks and leaves scratched my skin. I raised my-self back up, only to hear laughter close behind. I looked around and turned quickly in every direction. A few steps away the arrogant ass stood, to my left, leaning against one of the many trees.

He pushed off the tree and sauntered up to me. It seemed that I had run without moving. Kneeling down beside me, he smiled before he suddenly grabbed my throat. Choking, I weakly struggled against him. My lungs burned from lack of oxygen, I couldn't allow myself to pass out. Candy and I would both be both lost to this maniac.

With all the strength I could muster, I fought against it closing my eyes. I bit my lip hoping the pain would keep me alert. I winced when I felt my teeth cut into my skin. The pain pushed my mind back to the surface. The darkness slowly receded as he let go of my throat. He tossed me away from him as if I were a ragdoll. My rolling was halted by the trunk of a tree in my path. The cold hard ground was punishing. I groaned and raised my head only to see his face—filled with a look of disgust or hatred.

At that moment his attention moved to something in the distance. A whirring sound passed by my head then ended with a heavy thump in the tree. It was an arrow that'd shot pass me and hit the tree. I could not see where it came from and I searched for a way out. At the same time, I tried to keep my eyes on the dangerous person in front of me.

My assailant kept a smirk on his face and started to back away while he looked past me. I heard a crunch of leaves from behind. Two set of heavy boots appeared in my field of vision. Slowly I brought my eyes up, and I saw to figures and quickly identified them as on-my-side.

My panicked frantic eyes found bright blue eyes of a young woman who had the most striking fine features. Her hair was in so many glittering braids they could not be counted—especially here in the dark. Her arms were taut and steady with another arrow notched and pointed at the delivery man's face—which had become a disfigured mask.

The man standing next to her had that same unreal skin that Nate had when his face was scared. He had tattoos that were gold. His hair was shimmering silver, but shaved on the both sides. He held two short blades in his hands, and he glared at the monster.

The creature slowly stepped back and snarled. "Oh, look at this. It seems I've been caught. What to do. What to do?" He raised his hand and smoothed it over his shaven head. His eyes were sparked with amusement. In flash, he took off, but another man appeared and blocked his path. At the same time the man with silver hair attempted an attack from behind.

They moved with incredible speed. I could barely see what was happening. Instead of running forward they, climbed into the trees in impossible leaps and jumps. I saw motions that gave evidence of attacks and counter attacks.

A hand reached down and helped me to my feet. As I raised my head I stared into familiar golden eyes. I eagerly took Nate's hand. He embraced me in his arms as I choked on my tears. I gulped relief, feeling safe again. The scent of him filled the space around us and comforted me. "He did something to Candy! I have to find her." I turned away from him and grasped about for my phone and flash light. Frantically, I called out, "Candy!" Nate followed me doing the same. After a few moments, we found her curled against a tree. I slowly sank to my knees and felt the tears fall down my cheek in hot relief.

I reached to turn her over, but Nate grabbed my hand.

I looked up at him in question, "Let me do it. If she has been infected and a Vermillion has already taken over her body, then we have a problem."

"What?" I turned worried eyes to Candy's curved back. "There's no way."

Nate carefully placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly turned Candy over. I cringed at the site of her skin. Her skin was marble-white and on her neck was definitely a bite mark where black veins showed under her skin.

My heart must have stopped. I cried out mindlessly, "No, no, no, no! This cannot be happening, Candy! Please! Candy!"

Nate slowly moved me out of the way. He leaned forward and took a closer look. He carefully traced the outline of the bite mark. My eyes grew wide as he pulled a dagger from his boot and cut his hand. He extended his hand over Candy's wounds. Instinctively, I stopped him. "Are you going to make the same oath for her?" I asked, overcoming a surprising wave of jealousy.

After I let the words slip from my mouth. I felt ashamed. How could I let my selfishness show in this kind of situation? I shook my head to clear out my foolish thoughts and I released his hand. Then I placed my hand to my chest. "Thank you for saving her," I whispered quietly.

Nate stared at me, his eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't identify. "This will simply fight the poison. She breaths well, but we will need to watch her carefully, until we can get her to a hospital. The doctors can take care of her from that point."

I nodded and watched as he placed his hand above the wound, smoke came from where the blood flowed from his hand to spread over her wounds.

Nate ripped cloth from his shirt and wrapped his hand. I held his hand and finished wrapping the cloth. I kept my eyes focused on the cloth around his palm. His voice was despondent. "It seems humans are very honest when their emotions rise."

Feeling exposed, I did not meet his eyes. Hopefully he would forget my selfish comment. I turned my attention back to Candy. I tried to judge her temperature by the feel of her forehead. It was very hot. She was very sick, and I was at fault. If I hadn't dragged her out here with me, this would not have occurred. Thank God she was alive.

Nate's friends appeared from the deep woods near all the fighting and chasing. They breathed heavily from exertion. Ashe stepped forward, and reported the bad news. "Sorry, Prince, we lost him. But he is severely wounded."

Nate stood. I didn't turn around nothing was making sense. There was no point. "We will have to search harder. It seems the Vermillion have gained some intelligence. Neil must go to my father and report this new development. Eliza, find Neil and Erik. And all of you, check and clear the area."

They nodded while placing their fist over their hearts. Instantly each silently faded into the woods. I just continued brushing the side of Candy's face.

Nate knelt next to me. He reached forward and pulled my tear stained face towards his.

"She will be fine; and this is not your fault. None of this."

I searched his face for any hint of doubt in his own words. Seeing none, I nodded slowly. He let go of my chin.

Nate effortlessly lifted Candy from the ground and carried her out of the woods. People were visibly relieved when they saw us some even applauded and summoned emergency services to get us to safety. I was caught up by the commotion and my concern for Candy overtook my attention as Nate simply melted away into the shadows.

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