Chapter 39

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I awoke from a deep sleep, but a bright light forced me to keep my eyes closed. I groaned when I felt the pain in my back, but along with the pain my memory rushed back in waves. I sat up, my eyes taking in the unfamiliar room before me. I quickly scooted to the edge of the bed, my feet hitting the cool marble flooring. I walked over to the window that was opened, the wind stirred the curtains causing them to sway gently back and forth.

I looked out only, to find my eyes filled with colors of different flowers. The door behind me opened. On alert I waited for whomever it was to enter. I was shocked to see

J. Ling enter carrying a silver tray.

He looked at me, and smiled. "It's good to see you're awake."

I stepped back as he came closer and placed the silver tea tray on the short table that'd I'd passed on my way to the window.

"W-what are you... W-hy am I here? How did I get here?"

He stood straight after placing the tray on the table. He he motioned for me to take a seat.

I shook my head. "No. No. Why am I here? I demand you tell me!"

He dropped his hand and smiled gently. "I took you from the warehouse, after the Seelie came. I knew they would come for The Prince, but I wasn't sure what Puck would do to you. So I took you after they took the Prince." He eyes were clear as he spoke.

I crossed my arms, bewildered, "Ho-how do you know about the Seelie?"

His eyes twinkled as he reached up and covered his face with his hand, slowly he pulled his face down. It collapsed like cloth around his neck.

I stepped back shocked, his skin was a darker gold, his eyes and his nails were both black. His hair was braided but the wild red color that highlighted it looked familiar. "Y-you're a Seelie!" I stuttered, covering my mouth in shock.

He shook his head. "No, My Queen. I am an Un-Seelie, A guard sworn to serve our King. My task was to watch over the survival of the royal line." He faced me his posture erect.

I tried to clear my head, "Queen, I don't know what you are talking about. I am no one's Queen?"

He smiled, "You simply do not know your family's ancient history. Specifically, the ancestors of you, your mother, your mother's mother and on and on. The descendants of the female line carry an incredible legacy. It has been many years waiting for someone to unlock the legacy. And you, Corrine have been chosen." I dismissed this nonsense, shaking my head to silence his talking. I asked him what was more important. "You said they took away the Prince. Tell me, where they would take Nate?"

He shook his head in sadness, "I'm sorry, but they took the young prince back to his world to be executed."

"What? Why?!"

He sighed, his somber eyes meeting my own startled ones. "He swore on his honor he would never see you again, Your Majesty, but he broke that oath. An oath, The Seelie honor above all. The penalty Nate must pay is death.

I choked, I felt my knees weaken, and stumbled forward. J. Ling grabbed my arm preventing me from falling. "Tell me. Tell me how I can save him." J. Ling looked away from me, while he contemplated how much of the truth should be told. I held his hand more tightly. "Tell me!"

He hesitated, his eyes closed in thought, only giving the first obstacle, death. Now was not the time to discuss the Marriage of The Prince. "It would require you to choose between your understanding of life and death." Straightening, I looked at him eagerly, but he avoided my gaze. "You would have to enter the dream, to get to the Prince. His body is most likely heavily guarded, especially while imprisoned in the tower of Dianad. It is in the center of the new kingdom. The Seelie built a fortress solely for their existence to continue. You won't be able to make it without a great deal of energy."

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