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"Please talk Ellie." I plead once again. The past two weeks have been great. I've gotten to know Elizabeth really well and she likes Ellie over Elizabeth.

"No. We've been over this. I don't want to talk." She signs. I sigh knowing I won't get anywhere with her. So I leave. And run into Alex.

"Hey Tobin. How's it going? Did you two fight again?" She asks noticing my upset face and Ellie walking angrily away.

"Ya. I really want to hear her voice." I say.

"We all do but you can't pressure her. She had a rough life." I nod.

"What should I wear?" I ask changing the subject.

"What! Kind of question is that?! Tobin is asking me! Me! What to wear! You mean for tonight?" She yells. I hit her arm.

"Shut up. Yes." I say looking around to make sure no one heard her.

"Well this is a first. What's up?" She asks. I back up.

"N-Nothing. Why would you think something was up?" She smirks.

"Well first you asked me what to wear. Usually you don't give a fuck about what you wear no matter jets people tell you let alone ask for help. Second you got really flustered when I asked." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Fine. I may or may not like Ellie a lot. Like since we met last week." I go red.

"Awe. My baby Toby is growing up!"

"Stop Alex. Just help me." I say.

"You're no fun. Wear ripped black jeans. Vans. Muscle cut off and a SnapBack. I found out from a few people that that is your best look so knock her dead tonight." She says winking.

"Well I'm not gonna kill her. Maybe she'll dance with me."

"There ya go. Now I'm gonna go back to my lonely girlfriend and you get ready cause we leave in 30. Shoo! Go!" She says waving her hands.

"Thanks Alex." I say heading back to my room.

"Ya whatever." She smiles and heads away.

Her girlfriend was Kelley. They have been dating for roughly two weeks and havnt told anyone. But Ashlyn and I know cause we walked in on them making out. It was really funny.

I put on the suggested outfit and a little make up and head down to the lobby.


I really like Tobin. We have a lot in commen and she's really nice. Plus she knows sign language. After our little argument I go to my room that I share with Ashlyn. We had a lot in common too.

"Hey Ellie. How's Tobin? Tell her yet?" Ashlyn asks. I shake my head.

We argued again. I write on the notebook.

"Again? You could just talk." She says.

No. I'm not ready. And no I didn't tell her.

"You should. I know she likes you too. Maybe tonight at the club. Which reminds me we have to get down there." She grabs my hand and drags me down to the lobby.

Tobin comes over to me when she sees me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have fought with you. Will you forgive me?" She signs. I smile.

"Of course. I promise when I talk you'll be the first to hear." She smiles and hugs me.

"Okay. We have three cars and the coach so graciously gave me the privilege to divide you. So the first. The badass group. Ellie, Tobin, Ashlyn, hope, Alyssa, Carli, Syd, and me." Pinoe shouts. "Group two. Alex, Morgan, Kelley, Meghan, Ali, Lauren, christen, and Julie. Group three the rest of you."

"Hey! Why isn't our group named?" Meghan asks.

"Fine. You be the hot group or what ever." Pinoe says and walks out. I smile.

"Follow me hot group! We the hottest." Meghan shouts.

At the club I go with everyone to the bar. Everyone but a few get drunk and go straight to the dance floor. Tobin was a little high but not much. I don't like getting drunk but I drank enough for me to be a bit dizzy.

I kept an eye on Tobin the whole time. Alex and Ashlyn kept coming over and telling her something but she shrugged them off. Then this one girl comes and starts dancing with her. She starts to get really touchy and Tobin kept trying to get away but she wouldn't let up.

So I get up and do something I thought I might never do till I die. I talk.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I yell at the girl. My voice comes out raspy and deep. Tobin stares at me in shock.

"Why? You her girlfriend?" I hesitate.

"No. But she obviously doesn't want to be with you. And I'm one of her bestest friends so back off." I say my voice getting stronger the more I talked. She opens her mouth to talk but quickly shuts it and storms off. Tobin grabs my hand and pulls me outside where the silence is shocking and wierd to my ears.

"You talked." She says in awe.

"Well how else was I gonna get my point across? Waving my hands at her?" She laughs.

"I guess. Thanks."

"Anytime." We stand in silence for little bit. "Um. I need to tell you something."


"I like you. A lot. Not in the friendly way. More than that. Please don't leave me for saying that." I say fully expecting her too.

"Why would I? Maybe I should've said something a long time ago. I like you too Ellie. I'm sorry I did t tell you sooner. And may I admit your voice is wanna the best things I've ever heard." I blush.

"Thanks." I look down. She lifts my head and kisses me. I immediately kiss back and place my hands on her waist.

We pull away for a soon after.

"Wanna go back to the hotel?" She asks. I nod. So we go back to the hotel and the whole time I'm thinking that life might get better and I might actually forget my past.

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