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"Hey Tobin?" I call to her. She comes out of the bathroom.

"Sothing wrong babe?" She asks.

"Where's my computer?" I assumed she had taken it to listen to music or something.

"Oh. Right back." She says before running out. I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed and wait. She comes back a few minutes later.

"Sorry. I had Alex and Kelley listening to some stuff." She hands it to me. She goes back to the bathroom. I open it and see that it's opened to my music on an old cd I had forgotten about.

"Tobin! Did you have them listen to me?" I whine and yell. She pops her head out and smiles. I slam the top down and storm to the bathroom.

"Why?!" I shout. She backs up to the counter.

"I-I thought t-that they might-t like it. You have a v-very good v-voice." She says.

"It's fine and thank you but I don't like for people to know I sing and play all these instruments cause then I get asked all the time to play and sing and it gets old." She relaxes and aromas her arms around me.

"I'm sorry. Should it make you feel better to know that I sing to? And play a few instruments?" I turn in her arms.

"You do?" She nods. "What do you play?"

"Piano. Guitar. Cello. Violin. Do you play something?" She goes red for some reason.

"Uh ya. Piano and guitar." She rubs her neck and bits her lip.

"Why are you nervous?" I ask.

"I'm not." I give her a look.


"Fine. Know one knows I play an instrument. I. Also s-sing a bit." My mouth opens. She lets go of me and backs up.

"See! This is why I don't tell people I play or sing." She says. I shut my mouth.

"What? Why? There's no reason to freak out Tobin. I think it's great! I'm sure the others would to. They might be shocked but it's not bad." I say and step closer. She makes a face. I put my hands on her neck.

"But I won't tell if you don't want me to."

"That would be okay. Thanks." I smile and she returns it. I kiss her. I pull away.

"Team is having a pool party tonight. Can we go?" I ask with puppy eyes.

"As long as there's no strangers. Only the team. If one stranger shows up I'm leaving." She says.

"It's a private team party. You'll be fine. Why would you leave anyway?" She rubs her neck again.

"I may or may not have had one to many one nighters and I don't want it to happen again."

"Oh. Okay. Makes sense. I'll leave with you then if it does happen. Now let's get ready." I go to the dresser.

"But it doesn't start for a while." She complains. I pull out her swimsuit and throw it at her. She didn't see it coming and it hits her in the face. I laugh. "Hey" she says in a cute voice.

"I know. But it's good to be ready before hand." I grab mine and start to the bathroom.

"I guess. Why are you going in there?"she asks.

"I'm gonna change."

"Why in there?" I roll my eyes.

"Fine. I'll change out here. Close your eyes. Or turn around." She herself starts to get undressed.

"Why? It's not like I havnt seen you naked."

"Because I know how you get when I don't have as much clothes on." She starts to complain. I put my hand on her mouth. She sighs and covers her eyes.


Alex's POV

I was almost asleep when Kelley starts shaking me.

"Alex. Alex. Baby you awake?" She continues to shake me. I groan and turn my head then open my eyes.

"Yes. What? I was gonna nap." I rasp out.

"Ooo. You're tired voice is sexy." She says. I smile.

"Get to the point Kelley."

"Fine. I wanna have a party. A pool one."

"Sure. You plan that while I nap." I grin my head back and close my eyes. I feel the bed sink in front of me. I peek my eyes open and see Kelley smiling at me.

"Will you help me tell everyone?" I roll over and sit up.

"Fine Kelley. I'll help you." I grab my phone and send a group text.

"Thank you babe." She says sweetly and sits next to me and hugs me.

"You're welcome. You could've sent a group text ya know."


"Okay. Now who's gonna be there? I think it should be just the team." She lifts her head off of my neck.


"Remember? Tobin. One night stands have been her weakness for along time. She's trying to stop."

"Oh ya. But she has Emily now. I don't think she'd have a nighter with her around. She might not even get drunk." She spaces off. "That'd stink. She's my drinking buddy." I watch her in her spaced world. She snaps back. "Okay! Team only. Let's start the planning."

Finally it's time for the party. Everyone shows up. We had the music going and the bar already when they arrive.

"Swag party guys!" Tobin says after awhile. She was a little high and drunk. As was Kelley. They had been doing random things and pranking people ever since their last drink. Emily was following Tobin around the whole time looking like she had no idea what to do. Kelley comes up.

"I know. I planned it. Let's get another drink." She says before dragging Tobin off again. Emily starts to follow them but I grab her arm.

"It's ikay. They'll be fine. She won't do anything stupid unless she pisses off one to many teammates. She may be a bit hungover though in the morning."

"Really? Does she do this often?" I bite my lip.

"Um. If we go to a club she usually more drunk than this at this point. But ever since she's been with you she hasn't drunk or anything that I've seen. I think she'll be alright as long as she's with you. Don't worry. I've kinda gotten used to it. Kelley is worse." She nods and watches Tobin and Kelley poor ice water on Ashlyn and Ali who were making out in a darker corner of the pool.

We laugh as Tobin and Kelley get chased by them then get caught and pulled into the pool.

But out of no where some random guys and girls come in. I start to panic.

"Umm i thought you only invited teammates." Emily says.

"I did." Tobin gets out of the pool the side that the people came in.

She freezes and I see another girl tense up when she sees Tobin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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