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I was completely shocked and amazed when Ellie talked. Then she stayed that she likes me to top it off. It was amazing. When we get back to the hotel I text Meghan telling her to stay in Morgan's room tonight.

We lay on my bed and Ellie lies on me.

"I want to listen to you talk. Will you talk for me?" I whisper.

"Sure. What do you want me to talk about?" She replies.

"I don't really care as along as your talking."

"Okay. Well I might as well talk about my life. When I was younger I was sometimes abused by my parents who hated me. It was always me. Never my sisters."

"Sisters? I thought you had one?"

"I had two. I have a twin. Her name was Eliza. She left when home when we were 12 and that was around the time Kimi got cancer. My parents blamed me for it all. I havnt seen my sister since she left. I still lived my parents even when they didn't love me. When my sister died. I hardly talked. Then when my parents died I stopped all together. I havnt spoke since I was 16. It has been 10 years. I have a lot of metal in my legs from my dad hitting me with a metal bat once. That's why I can kick so well cause I can't feel it mostly and it allows me to kick harder. My tattoos explain my life in a interesting way. It was really rough growing up. But then I met you and I forgot my past whenever I was with you." By now I'm crying and I can feel her tears on my shirt. I rub her back.

"I'm sorry. I wish I knew you sooner and I could've helped you." I say.

"Well you're helping me now. I never would have talked if I hadn't met you." I smile. She lifts her head. I leave a lingering kiss on her forehead then we fall asleep.

The next morning we sleep in because it's our day off. But sooner than I wanted I'm woken up by a call.

"Hello?" I ask quietly and grumpily.

"Can I come in Tobin? I need clothes." Meghan asks. I look down at Ellie and don't know if we want them to know just yet.

"Ya. Where are you?" Ellie starts to wake up.

"In the elevator."

"K." I say and hang up. I get out from under Ellie and hop into the other bed.

"Tobin. What are-?"

"Just pretend your asleep." I say. She shrugs and does what I say. I continue to look on my phone. I hear a faint knock and Meghan comes in.

"Hey Tob. Why'd you need the room? You tell her?" I glance at Ellie who seemed to have fallen asleep again.

"Not yet. You tell Morgan?"

"I did actually. I'm braver than you."

"Are not!" I say slightly to loud.

"Am too. You can't even tell her you like her! I braved up and told Morgan at least."

"Well it's easier for you. You knew she liked you before you said anything. And cause you two are to good of friends for it to not ruin anything."

"Whatever." She says. With that she takes her clothes and leaves. I continue to stare into space.

"You okay Tobin?" Ellie asks. I turn and look at her. Her brown hair darker than usual in the dim light.

"Ya. I'm fine. Just a little argument." She gets up and sits next to me and takes my hand.

"Didn't sound like that."

"I guess not."

"Can I admit something?" She asks after a minute.

"Anything." I reply giving her hand a squeeze.

"Well it's two things. The first is I've looked up to you for a long time. I wouldn't know how to do all those tricks if it weren't for you." I smile.

"I'm glad I could help." I say kissing her cheek. "What's the other thing?"

"Um. I thought you and Alex were together." I laugh.

"Everyone seems to think that. We're not. And you did t hear this from me but she's dating Kelley." Her mouth opens.

"Really?" I nod.

"So what do you want to do today?"

"I wanna see your tattoo."


She looks shocked for minute before speaking.

"Oh. Okay." She gets up and slowly takes her shorts off and turns slightly.

It was an upside down triangle with a wave in it on her upper thigh just below her panties. I put my hand on it.

"What's it mean?" I whisper.

"Life was sort of rough and the ocean was my only safe place. My home for several years. It's to remind me of one of the only good things in my past." I look up at her and see her staring at me.

"Well now you can get a new one symboling your future. It's pretty good is t it? On the national team. Play for a club team. Have great friends and aren't treated poorly for your sexuality." I point out. She takes my hands and pulls me close to her.

"And I have you. Ellie Mae Ross. Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile.

"Yes!" I say and kiss her. She smiles into the kiss.

Let's just say we stayed in bed all day. ;)

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