Bunny X Alistair (Bunnistair)

491 20 64

Rate: 70/100
I kinda like the ship! The friend into lovers relationship are usually my favourite! But... There's a problem: They are so forced.
They arrive out of nowhere in EAH and are like: "I'm in love but he doesn't feel the same" HELLO?! MATTEL, THEY ARE NOT DUMB!! They could GUESS the other likes him/her! Plus, why can't we see some development? I mean come on! Seriously? I want to see HOW they fell in love. WITH MY EYES!! If it was made like that, it'd be my OTP! But noo Mattel didn't think of that! Okay now I'm doing a Bunnistair rant! XD

Conclusion: More than you think ;)

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