Darling X Chase (Darlase/Charling)

525 24 43

Rate: 99,9/100
I gave the same rate to Chartly btw. Just have to say... THIS SHIP THOUGH!! And no, it's not cuz they are two "Knights" but I ship it so hard! (Sapphy, don't kill me XD). I imagine this: some Purple Knight (don't ask) comes to hurt Wonderland and the two team up and work together for a long time and eventually fall in love! I LOVE THESE!! THATS SO CUTE PLUS ITS CANNON!! It's the only cannon ship I'm always fangirling on! And God knows I love to fangirl.
Why not 100%? Well... I ship both with someone else and Darling could be good independent. Buut...
Anyway... This ship is just bae for me, one of meh OTP mkay? XD

Conclusion: X1000 YAS!!

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