Cedar X Dexter (CeDex)

373 12 15

Okay, okay I know you're all like "Seriously? Again??" There's a reason. Read my first CeDex. It was my first ship rant ever and the reason I gave is the reason I hate the most! "It's cute and I ship it" THATS ALL!! -_____-
Now Imma do a real rate so... Btw: This is a false CeDex moment. It's just a coincidence but LET ME THINK WHAT I WANT THAT WAS A CEDEX MOMENT!! *clears throat* sorry. And it really happened in Thronecoming!

Rate: Infinity/100
Okay this ship is awesome! Maybe (on my opinion) true love is the cure to Cedar's curse! And Dex is the perfect man! They are both dorky plus Dexter wouldn't be nervous around her cuz she is easy to talk to and she isn't the popular kind too! They won't go along perfectly! And Dexter doesn't care that much about looks! He wouldn't mind her being made of wood! I SHIP CEDEX LIKE FEDEX!! XDDDD

Conclusion: UOTP!!!! (Ultimate OTP)

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