Chapter 9

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Surprisingly I wasn't late I walked in class with the rest of the people. I sow Connor and sat next to him and smiled. He smiled back he looked happy, we started talking until the teacher caught us an we got separated. We were laughing for 15 minutes straight about something that wasn't funny. I got in so much trouble and he didn't. I was mad at him but barely I just thought it was unfair but I continued laughing.
"Alex stop of your going to the office" the teacher threatened me an I held I my laughter. That class ended faster then I thought it would and i moved to my next class today was a good day I felt good.
I sow Reece in the way to class he was talking to someone so I didn't stop to say hi.
"Hey Alex" I heard someone call my name I turned and faced the green eyed boy in front of me.
"Hey" I smiled
"You look happy, your cute when your happy" I smile more and hugged.
"Thanks" I blushed a little and ran my fingers through my hair.
"So what class do you have?"
"Uh, right now language"
"Let me walk you there" he smiled at me.
"Okay" I said realizing I was blushing the whole time I tried hiding my face a little but it didn't work.
"Don't hide your beautiful face I think it's cute you like me" he smiled and put his hand on chin forcing my face upward looking into his eyes.
"Haha yah right in your dreams" I said smirking at him.
"Aww princess I know you do"
"I don't" I shrugged
"I bet I can make you fall in love with me by the end of the year"
"Okay" I smiled and shrugged.
He held his hand up and we shook hands. We did that for way to long...
He grabbed my hang and intertwined it in his and walked me to class. My blushing was uncontrollably and annoying. But in this moment I don't care.
People were staring and I was curious why, then I realized he's 'bad news'. We made it to my class I was early I still had 5 minutes before class started. We were in the door way.
"So I'll see you later?"
"Yah" I smiled at him getting hypnotized in his eyes. He leaned closer and kissed my cheek the smiled at me and walked away. I was in a state of shock and didn't believe what just happened. "I told you to stay away from him" I heard an annoyed voice say from inside the classroom. I forgot we have almost all the same classes.
"I tried but he isn't even that bad why do people think he's bad?"
"Ha you'll see" I raised a eyebrow and walked toward Conner and sat down.
"He's sweet" I said smiling at the thought of how amazingly sweet he is, sometimes.
"You like him" he smirked at me
"No I don't" I tried to keep back from smiling
"Aww that cute but like someone else he'll just break your heart and leave you even more broken then you are"
"Gee thanks, but I'll take my chances"
"Fine but don't come crying to me-"
"WHAT YOU CAN'T LIKE HIM" I heard Chloe say from behind me.
"Shut up I don't"
"YOU JUST SAID YOU, no you know what nope this isn't happening you can't speak with him anymore"
"What are you my dad?"
"No I just care about you and he's really bad news he's dangerous and he will hurt you physically and emotionally"
"How do you know"
"I do my friend was involved with him it didn't end well"
"I'm not going to argue okay fine I'll stop talking to him"
"Good" they both said at the same time, I just rolled my eyes and the. We started talking about the guys football game Friday.
"So we're all going right"
"Yah!!" I was so excited Chloe and Conner are so much fun and dirty and funny so this game is going to be interesting.
The teacher came in and so did a bunch of other people this is my favorite class.


I don't see Reece he was the first person I was looking for before I went into into the cafeteria. I'm not supposed to be talking to him, I like him it like that I mean he just makes me feel better and happy but I can't risk losing Chloe and Conner for him. I heard yelling and screaming getting louder and louder every time I took a step closer to the cafeteria door. What the hell is going on I said when I walked in and sow I ginormous crowd surrounding something I couldn't tell what was happening
I couldn't even see anything to many people I pushed my way through to see what was happening.

It was Reece fighting someone, Reece was punching  his fists into his face blood on his hands and dripping from the other guys face. I yelled his names he didn't bother looking with every lunch the other guy looked weaker and weaker. I felt my stomach drop I couldn't stand looking anymore I closed my eyes and took a few second to process everything. I opened my eyes and ran beside them I tried pulling him off but he didn't budge he was still punching him in the stomach the guy was knocked unconscious.
"REECE STOP!" I yelled over everyone it got a little quieter.
"Reece look at me" I said touching his cheek trying to move his face to look at me. He slowed down and the. Looked at me. His eyes were furious and full of anger and rage. But when he sow my expression they got a little softer.
"Reece Come on" I said taking his bloody scratched up hand in mine, we stood up and walked out alleges in us.
I took him into the bathroom honestly I dot know if it was the boys of the girls I just walked in one. It was empty and silent.
"What was that Reece?" I said stopping attention he sink.
"He was an ass" he said like he did nothing wrong, I shook my head.
"You can't just do that"
He started watching his hands he looked pissed. It's weird I wasn't scared of him yet everyone else was I don't believe that he would ever hurt me.
"Now you scared of me?" He asked getting more annoyed and pissed.
"No" I smiled at him his actions told me he didn't believe me or he was still pissed.
"Listen" I said turning his head by putting a firm hand on his cheek again. "I'm not scared of you, but please don't do that again"
His eyes looked full of emotion I couldn't Pick out. I kissed his cheek a d he smiled lightly.
"Let's go" I said grabbing his hand.
"I can't do this" he shrugged
"Do what?" I was confused.
"We cant be friends anymore" I was shocked and kind of sad.
"Why?" I chocked the words out
"just fuck off" he said emotionless and his eyes showed no emotion either. I walked away and went back into the cafeteria there was still 2 hours of school left and all I want to do is go home.

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