Chapter 13

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"WHY AREN'T YOU DATING" Chloe screams at me
"Because I can't handle a relationship right now" I said turning around and walking over to my bed.
"Sooo he's hot Nike just do it"
"No" I giggled "I can't" I shook my head

"Erggggg fine but you better get into a relationship with him soon" she said annoyed and sat down crossing her arms Conner started laughing and then so did me and Chloe. We continued watching movies for a while then around 1am we fell asleep.

We all woke up for school, I was actually excited because I get to see Reece again.

But I also have to go see the stupid school guidance councilor. I have to see her once a week and a therapist 3 times a week. Plus monthly hospital checkups it really sucks but I mean it could be worse.

I woke up early and got dressed and got ready. By the time I finished getting ready Chloe and Conner woke up.

They started to get ready and I went downstairs and made some tea. I heard a knock at my door the. Someone walked in. "What was the point of knocking if you just walk in?" I questioned Reece he just shrugged.

"Your an idiot" I smiled he shrugged again. He was quiet that's a first
"What's wrong?"
"Right" I said sarcastically.
"It's nothing I don't want to talk about it did you eat yet?"
"No stop changing the subject just tell me"
"Fine, it's my parents they are erring a divorce" i didn't know how to react my first instinct was to hug him so I did.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I said holding him tightly although I don't think he wanted me to touch him because he didn't hug back so I stopped.
"Yah I'm fine it's not that, I might have to move in with my dad"

"Why you don't want to?"
"No he was never there for my mom"
"Don't you get to decide?"
"I don't know there in court and I might get to but I'm not sure"
"Well just stay calm maybe you won't have to"
"Maybe I will"
Close and Conner came down.
"What happened?"
"I should go I'll see you at school" Reece left before I could say anything else.

"What's going on?"
"His parents divorced and he doesn't want to move in with his dad"
"Oh" they both said at the same time.
"Yah, I should go talk to him"
"No, stay here and eat"
"No talk to him at school"


I didn't see Reece the whole day it's lunch now I think he ditched I have no clue where he is. I just want to be there for him but I know I should give him his space but he might do something stupid. What if he gets in another fight and goes to jail again.

I sat down at an empty table in the cafeteria. "You should eat something" I heard Reece say sitting down directly across from me. "Where were you? And I'm not hungry" he shrugged
"You should still eat, here" he said giving me a apple.
"No thanks I hate green apples" I said getting up and walking away. He was avoiding me plus annoying me when ever we did see each other he followed me out with a smirk on his bruised face his lip looked bloody.
"Who did you fight?" I said touching his face as he groaned in pain.
"No one"
"Sure" I rolled my eyes.
"Just go eat something" he said walking away, I rolled my eyes again and went back into the cafeteria.
"Are you going to eat?" Conner asked sitting next to me.
"Erg why does everyone care" I said annoyed getting up and walking out of the cafeteria. I went to the bathroom I was just annoyed at everyone so I just stayed there for 10 minutes I realized we had like 20 more minutes and I didn't want to stay in the washroom for that long. I went to the library sat down and read a book. Someone say next to me I didn't bother to check they poked  me. It was Reece "what are you doing here?" I said annoyed
"Come on" he said grabbing my hand.
"Where to?" He dragged me to a classroom that was empty people were staring it was weird.
"We need to talk"
"Not now?" I really didn't want to talk to him at least not now I'm just pissed off in general.
"Fine" he sighed a few people walked into the room as he kissed me on the cheek they stared and the girls shot me dirty looks. I walked out and went to my next door as soon as I went into my next class the bell rang I sat down and took out my books.

The bell ringed finally school was over I just want to go home. I went to my locker and pulled out my books as quick as possible so I didn't have to see Reece Chloe or Conner. I practically ran out of school and walked home. When I got home no one was home like usual I went upstairs and climbed into bed and took out Netflix.


I couldn't sleep and I wanted to talk to Reece so I called him obviously no one answered it was 3am. I laid back in bed trying to fall back asleep but I heard my phone vibrate on my desk so i grabbed it and answered it.
"Hey" Reece said in a morning voice
"I'm sorry did I wake you up" I said apologetic.
"No it's fine I can't sleep"
"Oh me either"
We talked about nothing important for like 10 minutes until I yawned.
"Go to sleep" he said gently
"You go to sleep"
"Okay" he said hanging up the phone. Wow goodnight Reece.  I fell back asleep shortly after we finished talking.

I heard my phone ring again I ignored it but by the time someone called for the fourth time I grabbed my phone they didn't even bother leaving a message. "What" I groaned into the phone annoyed pulling the covers over my head. It was silent for a few second until I heard a knock on my window. I looked towards the window it was Reece. I hesitated to get up but finally did. I opened the window slightly and he pulled it up and climbed in. I was wearing short shorts and a crop top.
"Damn you look hot"
"Shut up" I said climbing back into bed and pulling the covers over my head.
My phone rand again but I knew it was him so I chucked it across the room. I didn't are because one it was 5am, and two I have a protective case on it. He sat on my bed next to me.
"What do you want?" I said annoyed.
"I just wanted to see you baby"
"Shut up I'm cold now"
"I'll keep you worm" he said smoothly I sat up quickly and took off the covers "I'm good" I got up and went to my closet finding something that is PG to wear. I gave up and just sat down beside him.
"I'm going to sleep now" I said crawling back into bed.
"Can I join" he said smoothly again
"I don't care" he laid beside me and rapped his arms around my waist it was actually really comfortable I fell back asleep in Reece's arms.

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