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Daniel stares at me again today. He didn't know that I notice him, or if he did then he didn't show it. Is it just my imagination or does he really knows who I am-what I am? He must knows, to be staring as if I don't belong in this world. As if I am not part of the human world. 

My kinds are known by many names in the human world. Some calls us nymphs or tree spirits, goddesses or fay. However, we were most commonly known as fairies. There are no differences between these words because to me, they all means non-human creatures. I am a creature! 

Sometimes I wonder why people fear us or pray to us. It just doesn't make sense because we don't grant wishes nor do we harm them. At least not us. There are demons and spirits of the dead that came back to "hunt" their loved ones. But they don't take lives. They're merely there to visit. It wasn't as if the living humans didn't call for the dead to come back either. And they're the one that summon the demons in the first place! We, creatures, are always blamed for deaths and sickness. But we have nothing to do with it. It was the humans that never learn to let go. They create all kinds of chaos that harm both them and us. They are destroying themselves. But at the end of the day, they will always find someone else to blame. I wonder if Daniel was like that.

In all their flaws, there is one thing that always attracts me back to the human world. Most people will say that it's love and hope. But to me it's loyalty. The few encounters I had had teaches me how strong the word loyalty is. Yes, there's love and trust in a relationship too, but what binds two people together are their loyalties to each other. Like Lang's loyalty to Sue. 

Most people would described them as the star-cross lovers. I was only 15 when I saw them together. In fact, it was this very place that I saw them walking hand in hand together. For a moment, Daniel reminds me of Lang. but that's not possible because I saw with my own eyes the last breath Lang took as he lay in the arms of his lover. 

Daniel and Lang are about the same height and although Lang's skin was bronzed from working too long in the sun, Daniel's firmed muscles along his upper arms and thighs suggested that he's also a physical man. The most convincing were his eyes. Daniel have Lang's pale blue eyes that turns almost silver when he smiles at Sue. But I have never saw this same shade in Daniel's eyes because his smiles never reach his eyes. Instead, his eyes were almost grey when he's angry. Without the sparks in his eyes, it'll be like looking into a lonely and frigid ocean with no way of escaping. I wonder if Daniel's eyes will be like Lang's when he's learn to smile with his heart. If he learn to love like Lang do, with all his heart and soul, maybe Daniel's eyes will be silver one day. 

At the sametime, I don't want Daniel to be like Lang. He loved too hard. He died because of it. Although this event happens more than 200 years ago, I'm still mad thinking about it now. I have watch Lang's and Sue's love grows. They were the perfect couple. It was for Sue that Lang dies. But in the end, Sue married his murderer! I can never understand why she would do this. I know that Sue was never really happy, or not as happy as when she's with Lang, she still betrays him. And for some reasons I couldn't quite comprehend, I feels that she betrayed me too. 

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