Chapter 3

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Daniel senses his dad presence before he even saw him. His dad was sitting at the end of the dinning table, a well polished oak table that have more than 10 chairs around it. It was decorated with so much shits that it looks ridiculous! There's the fancy golden table cloth that lays neatly in the middle of the table, the silvery cushions on the chairs,  two freshly picked bundle of blue roses on each end of the table, and the glistering candle-style chandeliers that hang lifelessly above it all. The table takes so much space in the room and no one even used it! Only his dad once in a while, like once every other week. But Daniel knows that everything in this house was merely for decoration. Even the staffs, with all their neat and clean uniforms. Sometimes Daniel feels like he is one of his dad's ornaments but then he remembers that if he is, his dad would have thrown him out long ago. It makes Daniel feels a little better knowing that his dad won't be able to throw him out like all his other useless possessions.

"Are you going to stare at me like that all day?" Daniel's dad bellowed, yanking Daniel back into all his troubles.

"Yes, sir! I mean no, sir!" Daniel yell back. Something is off. He can feels it in his guts! That's right! His dad should be angry at him by now. He should be making his way toward Daniel and bawling to Daniel about all his failures. He should have already done something that pisses Daniel off, like taking away his favorite cars or blocking his credit cards or something. But there he sat staring back at Daniel with a blank expression.

Daniel pulls out the closest chair to him. 

"Sit closer, I don't want to yell today," his dad said tiredly. Daniel makes his way closer to his dad. He pull out a chair two spaces from his dad. His dad looks at him with a sad expression. He opens his mouth as if he was about to said something but then didn't. Daniel sits  down and stares at the blue roses in front of him. It looks so fake. Like everything else in his life! He almost laugh at his ironical thought. 

"Do you think this is funny!" His dad bellowed from the side. Daniel turns and saw that his dad was back to his old self: an angry looking old man.

"No, sir!" Daniel answers. "I was just thinking about something funny. Like yesterday when Miranda almost spilled the coffee on me. She looked so sorry she almost started crying. You should have seen her face," Daniel lied while faking a dried laugh. 

"Do I look like I have time for your childish jokes? Stop making stupid sounds and listens to what I have to said!" His dad looks disappointingly at him. Daniel continues to keep a smile on his face to masked his anger. If his dad finds out that he is angry, his dad would be more annoyed. And Daniel is too tired today to take on another fight. 

His dad clears his throat. There was a momentary pause. Although it might just be a couple seconds, Daniel feels as if it has been an hour! The silence just keep stretching and stretching to the point where Daniel thinks he can't take it anymore. His dad finally said, "I know it's been tough since your mom passes away. I was having a hard time too. I thought maybe, since you're still small, that maybe." He pauses again. He looks as if he was about to cry. For the first time in a long time, Daniel actually feels nervous. He has never see his dad like this. He has never talks to his dad about his mom since the day she left them. Although he know his dad must've misses his mom sometimes, this was beyond what he imagined. 

His dad clears his throat again. "I have two news for you. First, I will be retiring from the company next year, which means you'll have to take over. I am giving you one year to stop what you're doing and learns to become a more decent person."

"What! You wants me to.."

"Don't interrupted me, I'm not done talking! Second, for the one year that you're preparing yourself to take over the company, you will be staying with Greta on Aadi Island. She will takes proper care of you until then. You are not allowed to leave the island during this one year. After the year have pass, if you don't want to work for the company, I'll consider it." His dad finished with a firmed face.

Daniel stares at his dad in disbelief. He don't know if he should laugh out loud or cry. It was so unexpected. Everything today was so sudden! What is happening?! Daniel continues to stare at his dad. He knows that his dad already have his mind set. Although they always fight, Daniel knows his dad better than anyone else. There's nothing Daniel can do to change his mind. 

Finally, Daniel let out a sigh and ask, "When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow. Miranda already have your stuff packed. The car will be here at 10 a.m. sharp to take you to the airport. Tahi, Greta's husband will be there to pick you up on Aadi Island. I won't be there to send you off. " With that, his dad silently gets up and left.

Of course you won't, Daniel thinks silently to himself. For the first time since his mom's passing, a tear makes its way down his cheek.

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