The Begining

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Thank you sustisama_92 for the awesome drawing of Francesca (:

Thank you sustisama_92 for the awesome drawing of Francesca (:

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Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool,

a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
~Sholom Aleichem~

Life exists, death exists, magic exists but something is missing ... love.

It started with a fight, and ended with blood. It's said that long time ago gods were the only human forms that existed in the universe. They were powerful and cruel, they were life and death. With their magic they have managed to create a world full of life, love and faith. But because they were immortal the life became a bored thing for them. And because they were capable to controle everything especially the magic they thought it would be a good idea if this magic could also be given to humans. But it was the worst thing that have ever happened and many people fell into depravity. But life continued to exist.
The gods gave the supreme power to the magi, they were similar to magicians but more powerful. These magi were capable to manipulate magic to create dungeons and guid people to them. Its capture gave people treasures and the djin power. The power was transfered to a metal vessel and with that the poor humans could became warrios with magical power.
But these things have been created long long time ago when King Solomon have tried to unified the world of magic.
However the story of this alchemical formula called magic it started since the creation of the world, this mystical power reigning in space even before the gods.

"But in our era, magic is limited to some stupid tricks, like picking rabbits out of the hat can be called magic."Cassie's opinion was true. The young girl with brown to raddish hair had an imposing personality and also she supported her opinion strongly.
"You know, picking flowers from sleeve it's still working."Nic said benevolenty, while he arranged a blonde hair strand and smiling at his unimpressed friend.
"What's with this atmosphere guys?"Fran couldn't focus on what she was reading while they were arguing.
It had passed thousand and thousand of years since the influence of magic has vanished from people. Nowdays it was considered a joke or a cheap show for children. But the hope still exists.
"How many times are you going to read that book?"Cassie asked Fran while she helmet her face expressing a total lack of interest.
"Are you going to ask me that every time you see me reading this book?"
"She has the right to ask, Fran! And, beside that you shouldn't be a lazy person, everyone from the council is waiting for you now."Nic began to warn her.
The world nowadays is no longer ruled by kings and queens and the power of rukh, on the contrary, peace is maintained by a bunch of people tired of life without humor in their souls.The entire territory has been developed to a major level. Everything has been unified.Theoretically, because five continents are still existing and due to the invisible wall filled with envy and enmity, the world has been divided into the east lands, west hills, north mountains, southern mountains and the middle lands. But Francesca has managed to create in the middle lands a place where is no discrimination between people. With the help of Nic they created the Skyland to remove these inequalities between humans ... but without any progress.

So, this is the first chapter of my fanfic for Magi, I hope you like it. I know it's not perfect, I tried to combine the fantastic to history but ... it was a disaster. Eh, but neck or nothing, right?

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