Chapter 17: I Only Have One

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Adriana bit her lip and then took the last sip of the beverage Drake had given her. She didn't say anything though.

"You said Chris is not your man. Do you have a man? I did tell the guy out there he should ask that first and I have yet to ask you" Drake said breaking the silence.

Adriana laughed. "No. I don't. If I did, I wouldn't be here" she said.

"Why not?" Drake asked her.

"Let's just say my ex was.... controlling I guess. He would never have allowed me to come to one of your shows. Especially not in Vegas. Tell me.... what exactly was your plan for tonight.... with me?" she asked him unsure if she really wanted him to answer that.

Drake took a sip out of his cup now. He contemplated on whether or not he should ask about her ex since she obviously wanted to change the subject. He decided against it for now.,"Honestly, I didn't have a plan. I just knew I wanted to spend more time with you" he said to her.

"Oh. Well that's good I guess..... because I uh...  I meant what I said when you asked me to come out with you tonight. I'm not the type of girl you're used to meeting at your shows" Adriana said.

Drake laughed. "The type of girl? You mean a groupie?" he asked her.

Adriana laughed too. "Yeah... exactly. I'm not interested in being anyone's one night stand just so that I can tell people 'Hey, guess what, I slept with Drake! Yay me!' That's just ridiculous to me" she said and laughed again.

Drake laughed too. "Well when you put it like that it does sound pretty bad. Tell me.... what type of girl are you?"

Adriana thought about that for a moment. She wasn't sure how to answer that. "Uh... I guess I'm the type of girl that has more to worry about than just herself. I have responsibilities and my actions have consequences because I have two little people that look up to me and count on me every single day" she said.

Drake raised an eyebrow. "Two little people? You mean kids? You have kids?" he asked.

Adriana nodded her head. "I do. Two of them. A little boy and a little girl" she said with a smile.

"Really?" he asked examining her. "I can't tell. You look..... " he licked his lips and smiled. "You look real good for having two kids. I never would have guessed that. Drake said to her.

Adriana blushed. "Thank you. I appreciate that" she said to him.

"Do you have a picture of them?" Drake asked

"I do" Adriana said pulling out her phone. She turned the screen towards him so he could see. "That's them" she said.

Drake leaned closer to look at the picture. Two of the cutest little curly haired kids he had ever seen were on her screen. "They're adorable. How old are they? What are their names?" he asked her.

"His name is Santana, he just turned 6. Her name is Selena, she's 4" Adriana said with a smile.

"Santana and Selena?" Drake asked her with a grin.

"I might be a bit of a music junkie." Adriana said and laughed. "I grew up listening to Carlos Santana and fell in love with the way he played the guitar and Selena, well, she was amazing. Don't judge me" she said laughing again.

"No judgement. I get that. Music has always been a pretty big part of my life too. But you already know that. Are they ummm.... mixed?" Drake asked her.

Adriana nodded. "Yes. Their dad is African American and Puerto Rican."

Drake nodded. "I thought so. Is he the controlling one you were telling me about or is that someone else?" Drake asked.

"That would be him. I only have one" Adriana said.

"One what?" Drake asked with furrowed brows.

"One ex" Adriana said.

Drake raised his eyebrows. A shocked expression written all over his face. "No way!!! Really?"

Adriana nodded. "Yes really. That surprise you?" she asked him.

"Well yeah. I mean, look at you. You're gorgeous" Drake said.

Adriana blushed again. "Thank you. I ummm.... may have been a little bit old fashioned growing up. Still might be. Uh.... my parents would be the definition of what you would call the picture perfect marriage. They've been married for fourty years. Fourth one come December." She giggled. "That's a really long time now that I say it out loud. Geeze my parents are old!" she said and laughed again.

"Wow. That's ummm.... that's impressive. I take it you're not an only child?" Drake asked.

"No. I grew up with four brothers and two sisters. I would be the youngest of the girls and then my little brother is the baby" she said still smiling.

"That's a pretty big family" Drake said.

"Yeah. I guess my parents didn't have a tv" Adriana said and laughed.

Drake picked up on what she meant right away and laughed. "That's good. That was funny!" he said to her.

"I try" Adriana said with a grin.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Drake asked her.

"Sure. Why not? I think I know enough about your personal life" Adriana said with a grin.

Drake smiled. "I guess that's true. My question then is, what happened between you and your ex? Why did you break up?" he asked.

Adriana was caught off guard by that question. "Oh. Uh..... Well, there's kind of a lot to that story. In the end, I was just done with the cheating" Adriana said.

"He cheated? More than once? Wow. How long were you two together?" Drake asked her.

"Seven years last June." I actually found out he was cheating on me on our anniversary.... with his first sons mom that time. I ended it that night." Adriana said.

"Wow. Seven years is a long time. Drake said. "Was he.... uummm. Is he the only one you....." Drake cleared his throat. He knew what he wanted to ask but it wouldn't come out.

Adriana let out a soft giggle. "You want to know if he's the only person that I've ever been intimate with right?" Adriana asked him.

Drake grinned and nodded. "Yeah, exactly."

Adriana nodded. "Yes. He is. I know that's probably difficult for people to believe but its true" she said and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't expect you to believe me. Most people don't. I get it. But it's the truth" Adriana said.

"That's probably because it's rare. How old are you? If you don't mind me asking, that is" Drake said.

Adriana laughed. "You asked me about my sex life but you're worried about asking my age. That's cute! The longer I talk to you the more adorable you become" she flashed him a smile. "You're just under a month older than me. I'm team scorpio too." Adriana said.

Drake grinned. "Well you know what they say about us Scorpio's?" he asked.

"That we're awesome" Adriana said and winked at him.

Drake laughed. "You're exactly right. I know I'm supposed to be on my best behaviour but honestly, right now, all I want to do is kiss you" he said to her. She could see the desire in his eyes.

Adriana blushed. "I wouldn't exactly be opposed to a kiss. But I would need your word that it would just be a kiss. That it won't lead to anything else tonight" she said to him.

"Well, I wouldn't do anything you wouldn't want to do. So you have my word." Drake said.

"But you see, that's the thing. I don't know what I'm going to want once you kiss me. Let me be real with you for a second. Not that I was being fake before. Just...whatever. Look I watched you on Degrassi all the time. I cried when Jimmy got shot. I listened to your mixtapes. I was so excited when Wayne signed you. I followed your career, watched you become what you are now. To me, you are one of the most intriging, talented, men on the planet. Let's not leave out sexy, handsome, adorable and all those other things that you are. If you kiss me.... I honestly don't know if I could contain myself. Because just being this close to you excites me. I've never felt anything like this before" Adriana said to him.

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