How to: prove your sister wrong.

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Sister: Stop it muggle sibling!

You: How do you know I'm a muggle? I'm totally Ravenclaw!

Sister: You didn't get your letter! *sticks out tongue*

Dad: She makes a good point, you just got burned!

You: Oh really? *pulls out time turner and parchment that may or may not be blank* Should I write to the new potions teacher about this little brat who is planning to steal from their cabinet to make a pollyjuice potion and harass the house elves.....?

Sister: No! No you were right! Teach me all that you may know so I can avoid angering the teachers before I ever get there, please!

You: *smirks* Next time you won't doubt me, will you?

Sister: Never, never I swear!

You: Good.

Dad: Well played.

Sister: *cowering in fear*

Fangirls: *claps from the shadows* We have taught her well.

Me:, let's actually head back to Hogwarts before our house teachers figure out we're gone.

You: Let's go, we're going to miss herbology!

Your sister will never doubt you again! Hahaha (xD) Always remember the time turner though, you don't really need the parchment but it will help the effect.

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