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The streets are radiating heat from the blistering sun. A bead of sweat slid down my forehead and I hastily wiped it away. It was as if the sun has decided to be particularly hot on this day. I rushed into the nearest store, hoping for once that this may be my saving grace. I had been looking for a job whole morning and it was really getting tiring. The sign proclaimed it the 'Rising Sun'.The door bell announced my arrival. 

 It was light and full of life, just as its name said it would be. One wall was completely glass and rest of the walls had a zebra print wallpaper pasted upon them. There were Persian rugs thrown around, drapery of all kinds and loads of linens. Best of all, there were fans spread around the store, airing the place out. I instantly loved and prayed really hard that this was the place I would finally get to work. 

A girl about my age, maybe one year older looked up at me from her magazine on the counter. I was stunned for about a second before resuming a friendly smile on my face. Her face was very beautiful. Her eyes were a very interesting shade of brown,  almost black and her hair was a gorgeous black color with a golden streak through the side. Her skin was was deeply tanned.She was clearly the rare Asian beauty. But that was not what stunned me about her.  She had all kinds of piercings on her face from her nose to her lip, the corner of her eye and lined around her ears 

"Hi, I'm Sooki. May I help you?" she asked. When she opened her mouth, there were two piercings at the tip of her tongue. She smirked at my response.                                                                                                           

"Hi, I am Beth. Nice to meet you. Your piercings look awesome, by the way. I wish I could do that." Sooki was  clearly surprised at my answer. I smiled at her.                                                                           

"Thanks. Most people freak out my multiple piercings. So what are you doing down here in this rat hole?"                                                                                                                                                                                             

"Well I was actually just walking by and I thought 'Well why don't I hide from the sun for a few minutes in this nice little shop from the sun'. I am joking. Okay, maybe not completely" Sooki raised an eyebrow (Damn, I'd always wanted to do that) and then she laughed out loud, causing me to laugh with her.                                                                                                                                                                                       

"You're funny in a quirky way." She said                                                                                                                                  

 " Um...Thanks?" I asked. She laughed again.                                                                                                             

"Well, actually I am hoping that this shop needs my assistance. Are there any job spots here?" I bit my lip, a nervous habit I had had since childhood.                                                                                                                    

"Maybe I should go ask my mum first, give me your number and I'll text you whenever"                               

 "Your mum owns this shop? Tell her it is very attractive.  And thank you."                                                      

"It's fine. You don't  know the relief you have given me by asking for this job. I work here all day all day and most of the nights."                                                                                                                                                 

"Really?" I asked, worried for her sake.                                                                                                                             

"Relax. I'm just joking. You should have seen your face." She laughed but underneath the laugh on her face, I saw a trace of truth.                                                                                                                                               

"Bye." she said smiling only, this time, it was genuine.                                                                                                  

"Bye," I replied, resolving to find out what was wrong and help Sooki to fix the problem.

I walked out of the little store with a goofy grin plastered across my face. I finally (maybe)had potential a job. I had one more thing to do before going home. 

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