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Ice cream. That is what needed right now. Loads and loads of ice cream. I only knew of one place to get ice cream in this town because we had come here three days before. 

I entered 'The Candy Cone' (why did this town give her places such nice names?) and felt the cool wash of air on my face. there was an elderly man sitting with probably his wife, I'm guessing. They were sharing a bucket of ice cream between themselves.                                                                                                                                                   

"Hello, " I greeted them. They grinned at me, their teeth multicoloured from the ice cream.A boy with  dreadlocks and coffee brown skin similar to mine sat at the counter, playing games from what I could hear.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

 "Hey, there...." I had barely said before he interrupted.                                                                                   

 "Alright," he said in a loud voice to no one in particular, "my shift is over. DARRELL!!! BRING YOUR LAZY ASS OVER TO THE COUNTER. I'm out of here." he said, taking off his apron.

Darrell entered the counter from the back door and was tying his apron when Dreadlocks over there started laughing and winked at Darrell. And then Darrell turned to look at me. 

I would day he was super cute, but hey, what did i kow?He had brown hair, almost black, which reached his ears, curling severely at the ends.  His eyes were a mix of green or stormy gray, I couldn't tell. I would describe him better if i knew how to but, the truth is, I didn't .  However stunned I was by how  striking he looked, I managed to compose myself before he noticed.

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