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"Hey, Darrell," she said, In a kind voice, like she already knew me. I know, I know the way people only use the word kind when they have nothing great to say to a person. But she was kind. You could see it her sparkling dark eyes and the way her smile tugged upwards at the corner of her lips. Her hair was thick and wiry exposing her high cheekbones and square jaw. I tried hard not to stare.                                 

 "Hello, Welcome to The Candy Cone. How may I help you?" I said, using the customary Candy Cone greeting.                                                                                                                                                                                               

"Do you have ice cream?" She asked innocently, her eyes roaming around.  I laughed.                                   

"This is, of course, an ice cream parlor" I replied. She looked at her feet and I instantly felt horrible.        

"What flavour would you like?" I asked, smiling at her, trying to correct my move. She flashed me a smile that stopped me from doing whatever I was doing.  What. The. Hell.                                                          

"Oh, I take any flavour, " Did I imagine the double meaning in her words? I must have because what else could she mean?                                                                                                                                                          

"Would you like me to choose for you a special this week?" I asked                                                             

 "Surprise me," she replied. There it was again, the double meaning. Patrick and Molly were sitting in the corner smiling as if they knew what was going on. When they saw I had noticed them, they actually began laughing even wider than before. I went back to making her ice cream.

" Grilled banana split with chocolate icecream!"  I said bowing like those French waiters in movies. She laughed. Puzzled, I asked,                                                                                                                                                   

 "Is there something wrong?"                                                                                                                                             

"No, No. That's my brother's favourite,"  With that, she left to the nearest table and proceeded to eat her ice cream. She glanced out of the window as if looking for something while playing with her spoon. 

As if sensing that someone was looking at her, she turned towards my direction and smiled. I ducked my head and cleaned the counter while Molly laughed. Good God, I hope she choked on her own tongue.  When I was done cleaning the counter, she brought her empty bowl and paid for the icecream.

"Thanks for the icecream," she said tipping me. Catching my hand when I tried to give her back the money, she said,                                                                                                                                                                               

"I insist," As she walked towards the door, I remembered that I had not asked her the most important thing.                                                                                                                                                                                               

"Wait! I don't know your name." I asked almost biting my tongue in a hurry to get the words out. Patrick and Molly were Laughing out loud at this by now but I did not care.                                                         

"Is that a question?" No, it's a plea.                                                                                                                                         

" Yeah, if you see it that way."                                                 

"Call me Beth," She said laughing as she walked out.

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