Chapter 3: Black and Blue

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Genji has been training fiercely with his sensei, Kabuki. His black belt ceremony was in a week. He felt ready. At least he thought that. "No, no, no, and no." Kabuki sighed. "What am I doing wrong?" Genji asked. "Everything! You're posture," Kabuki put a hand on Genji's stomach and back, straightening it. "Hand placement on the katana," Kabuki moved Genji's hand's lower on the katana. "Foot placement," Kabuki bent down and moved Genji's feet to the right position. "Now try to aim for the marks on the dummy." Kabuki ordered. Genji swung his katana to the marks. He his evenly, but not with enough strength. "Harder next time Genji. Or they won't count it at the ceremony." Kabuki said in a strict tone. "Alright." Genji said. "So far overall, you're doing good. Weapons are what you need to work on. Mainly katana. The other weapons are decent enough. Just for some common mistakes. But weapons are your weak point so I understand you're struggling." Kabuki judged. "Yes Kabuki." Genji responded. Kabuki was a different person when he was teaching. He had confidence, held his head high, gave criticism that wasn't mean, but helpful. But he still gets annoyed of course. Genji liked to watch Kabuki teach. But he liked being taught by him to. He couldn't decide which was better. "I'll work on it." Genji said. Kabuki smiled. "I know you will, Gen." Kabuki said. "When did you start calling me 'Gen' again?" Genji grinned. "Right now." Kabuki grinned back, his tail wrapped around Genji's arm loosely. His tail slid off as he walked away. Genji smirked at Kabuki. "Whatever you said to him, it worked." Genji thought practicing his katana skills on the dummy. "He's a lot more laid back, he's sweeter than ever." Genji spun, doing a complicated move on the dummy. Genji is so proud of himself. Kabuki isn't being his family's image. He's being his own image. He's painting his own life and erasing what everyone else thought his life needed to be. He's his own person. And he's damn proud of it.

It was the day of ceremony. Genji was doing some last minute training. "Come on Genji! We're gonna be late!" Kabuki said, waiting at the door. "Coming!" Genji said and ran to the door. Kabuki fixed Genji's belt. "Ready?" Kabuki asked. "Ready!" Genji chimed. Kabuki opened the door and got in the car. Genji sat in the passenger seat. Kabuki started to drive to the stadium. "Are you nervous?" Kabuki said. "Nope I know I'm going to do great." Genji smiled "I wouldn't get so cocky. You might do bad." Kabuki warned. "What no. I'm gonna do great!" Genji said. "It's pretty hard. Plus if you fail, that's a whole year of nonstop training, the rules of the karate, not mine." Kabuki said. "I'm sure I'll do ok." Genji said, less confident. Kabuki was getting to him. Kabuki wanted to scare Genji, for fun. "Let the judges judge that." Kabuki said. They got to the stadium.

Genji was getting cold feet. The color in his face left. "What's wrong Genji?" Kabuki asked. "Nothing..." Genji mumbled. "Cold feet huh?" Kabuki guessed. "Yea kind of." Genji said. Kabuki made a devilish smile. "Good." Kabuki was not gonna go easy on Genji. Because the final round, the student has to fight his sensei.

The first half of the ceremony wasn't so hard. Genji had to fight and win battles with belts, below his level. He had to memorize several complicated moves and do them with little flaws. He did all of these things with high scores. The second half of the ceremony, was the hard part. Genji got on stage. He saw Pekoe in front of him. She's one of Kabuki's friends and the second best fighter in this region. He knew how she fought pretty well. She was amazing with a bo staff. Very quick and light with it. She was ok with hand to hand combat. That was her weak point. Genji had to knock that weapon out her hand. They circled each other, Genji with nun chucks in hand, while Pekoe had her staff. She grinned at Genji. He grinned back. They charged for each other. Genji smacked the nun chucks at Pekoe. She blocked it with her staff. She twirled her staff and hit Genji in the face with it. He got a scratch on his face, a nice bruise on his cheek to go with it. Genji swung his foot out, kicking her in her side. She smacked Genji in his knee. He snapped his nun chucks at Pekoe's face. It her square in the nose. Her nose was dripping with blood. She was angry. She slammed her staff into Genji's side, But Genji blocked it with the chain of his nun chucks, twisted the chain around the staff. He pulled, the staff flew in the air, at the ring. The crowd roared. Pekoe lost her coloring in her face. She knew what would happen next. Genji smacked Pekoe several times with his nun chucks, on to her hip, one to her knee, another to her chest. She clasped, trying to shield herself. She wasn't fast enough for Genji. The audience cheered and Genji was smiling in pride.

Then they stopped cheering. It was dead silence. He didn't know why until he turned around. Kabuki stood behind him, ready to fight with his katana. "There goes my black belt." Genji thought to himself, seeing Kabuki's serious face. Kabuki circled around Genji like a lion. He was stalking his prey. Genji got in his fighting stance, shaking the fear out of himself. "Let's do this." Genji grinned at Kabuki. Kabuki ran, Genji did to. There weapons collided making loud scratching noises. Kabuki was growling, but he was smiling also. It was intimidating. But not to Genji. He stepped back so their weapons would release from each other. Kabuki stabbed the katana at Genji, he moved back again so he wasn't sliced. He twirled his nun chucks and crashed them down on Kabuki's hand. Kabuki cursed, but didn't loose grip of his weapon. Genji hit Kabuki's shoulder. In return, Kabuki cut Genji's arm. He growled at Kabuki. He smacked his foot into Kabuki's side. Kabuki yelped in pain. Kabuki crashed to the ground, holding his side. Genji smiled. But felt guilty for smiling. He hit Kabuki in a sensitive spot. He forgot about it until he made impact with Kabuki's skin. The audience was bouncing off the walls with joy. Genji looked around when he spotted a familiar face. It was Kabuki's mother. "Oh fuck." Genji cringed. That's why he was able to that. Kabuki saw his mom. He didn't tell her about his relationship with Genji. But Genji didn't know that. Kabuki was up a few moments later. He was still holding his side, but was standing. The judges gave Kabuki Genji's black belt. Genji went over to Kabuki. "I'm proud of you Genji." Kabuki said to Genji, taking off Genji's old belt. "Thanks." Genji replied. Kabuki tied the belt around Genji's waist. "Thank you sensei." Genji bowed. Kabuki bowed as well. The crowd was clapping and cheering. Kabuki and Genji stood up and looked at each other. Genji so full of pride, grabbed Kabuki and kissed him in front of everyone. Kabuki was shocked, he froze in place. Genji let go of Kabuki and smiled. Kabuki didn't know what to do. A small smile escaped his face. "Come on asshole." Kabuki teased. "Right behind you babe!" Genji smiled and followed him. "IN YOUR FACE HAHAHAHA!" Pekoe yelled at the audience. The audience  was disgusted. Pekoe was dragged away by security guards. "FUCK YOU ALL I TOLD YOU I WASN'T WITH KABUKI!" she was thrown out the stadium. 

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