Chapter 5: Can't Help Falling in Love Right?

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Author's note: Thank you so much for reading! This is a short story but I hope it was a well written one! :)

Genji was walking with Kabuki around town. Lately Kabuki has been rather distant. More distant than usual. It's been bugging Genji. What was he doing wrong? What on earth was he doing this time? Was it something his family did behind his back? "What am I doing?" Genji blurted at Kabuki. "What do you mean?" Kabuki asked. "What am I doing wrong. You've been way too quiet for your own good." Genji said. "I just like quiet." Kabuki mumbled. "No that's not what I mean! You're hiding something from me." Genji grumbled. "No I-I'm not.." Kabuki turned his head away from Genji. Kabuki played with his sleeves of his hoodie. Genji saw a bright red stripe on his wrist. "What is that." Genji asked, his heart dropping. "N-Nothing!" Kabuki laughed nervously. Genji grabbed Kabuki's arm and pulled up his sleeve. Genji couldn't believe his eyes. "No..Kabuki no!" Genji yelled. Kabuki had at least twenty or more cuts all over his arm. Kabuki's ears shot down. "L-Look I'm sorry ok-" Genji cut him off. "IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE?!" Genji roared. "N-No! I-It's'-" "IS THIS A WAY OF GETTING ATTENTION!? THIS IS DISGUSTING KABUKI!" Genji shrieked. "If you would let me-" "KABUKI I'M SO DISAPPOINTED WITH YOU! WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS A SICK WAY OF ASKING FOR ATTENTION AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOU HAVE SUCH MARKS!" Genji flung Kabuki's arm down. Kabuki was in tears. "YOU'RE AN ATTENTION WHORE KABUKI! ONLY ATTENTION WHORES DO THIS!" Genji snarled. Kabuki was crying now. "YOU'RE GROSS KABUKI GROSS!" Genji's face was bright red from screaming. Everyone in the sidewalk was staring at them. Kabuki was crying silently. Trying not to drag more attention in this situation. "IF YOU WERE GONNA TURN INTO THIS-THIS SLUT OF A PERSON I WOULD OF NEVER HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Genji screamed. Genji stormed off. Kabuki fell to his knees, weak from the stab he just took from Genji. "G-Genji!" Kabuki called. "Let me explain! I-I just need to explain.." Kabuki bent down and sobbed into the concrete. Holding his stomach from the pain that was slicing through it. He started to cut himself two days after he left his family for Thanksgiving. He felt so dirty and shameful about the person that he has become. He wanted to punish himself for it. He felt soft hands on his shoulders. "Oh Kabby.." the voice mumbled. The person helped Kabuki up. Kabuki turned around. "Pekoe!" Kabuki put his head in her chest and sobbed. "I know I know..I'm gonna take you home." Pekoe cooed. She brought Kabuki in her car. She drove to his house.

"W-Wait Genji is gonna be here!" Kabuki shouted and scrambled to the back seat of Pekoe's car. "No he's not. He's going to some apartment." Pekoe said gently. "Why? How do you know this? He has a house!" Kabuki whined frantically. "Kabuki please calm down. All I know is that I saw Genji walking into an apartment complex. He does have a house but it's also very close to your house...he probably doesn't want to be near you right now." Pekoe said in the most gentle way possible. She got out the car. Kabuki followed her into his house. Kabuki ran to his room and hid under his covers. "Kabuki, You're stronger than this." she said. That's when Kabuki couldn't do it anymore. "NO I'M NOT! I'M WEAK. I MAKE MYSELF ACT ALL TOUGH AND BOTTLE UP ALL MY FEELING AND I CONSTANTLY COME OFF AS BEING PISSED ALL THE TIME AND DEPRESSED WHEN IN REALITY I'M SAVING EVERYONE FROM ME HAVING A MASSIVE MELTDOWN!" Kabuki screamed at the top of his lungs. Pekoe's face looked like she ate something sour. "I CUT MYSELF OK?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO! I BEAT MYSELF UP MENTALLY ALL THE TIME SO LET'S DO IT PHYSICALLY TO MATCH MY BROKEN MIND!" Kabuki roared. He looked like a monster. His hair up and wild, his eyes blaring with rage. His claws were out, he was squeezing a pillow. They went through like butter. "Kabuki...just calm down and listen. I've known you for awhile and I know there's plenty of reasons you would resort to cutting. But I know one reason was not attention. Genji only knows what those stupid people who don't believe mental illnesses exist say. He's thinks you're doing this because of him. He doesn't want you to get hurt so he lost his shit when he saw that you were hurting yourself. What you did Kabuki was a bad move. He's pissed since he thinks you were acting all, "Independent" then you do this and say you're still independent. That's not how It works Kabuki. He thinks you played him like a fool but really. You're truly doing this to keep sane. He doesn't know that. Sure in hell he won't do it later. You got yourself in a fucked up situation that's not gonna end up pretty. I know this sounds horrible but it's the truth. Kabuki you fucked up bad. I can't help you. Only comfort you of lost." Pekoe spoke. Kabuki sobbed again. "I'm gonna lose Genji?!" Kabuki cried. "Most likely." Pekoe said. Kabuki growled, his breathing quickened. "Get out..." Kabuki mumbled. "I thought you wanted help." Pekoe said. "GET OUT!" Kabuki roared, throwing his lamp against the wall, it shattered. Pekoe ran out. Kabuki cried that whole night. He didn't sleep. "I fucked up." his mind rang. "Why are you so stupid?! You could've just done something else besides cutting!" his mind was screaming. He covered his ears. "WHY DID YOU PICK UP THAT KNIFE IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU NEEDY BASTARD." It wouldn't stop. His mind kept screaming all night. "It's like anyone cares about you anymore. You just lost your bestfriend and lover. It takes talent to do that you piece of crap." All night long. Kabuki covered his ears, dug his claws deep into his ears, picking at the skin inside of them. Making them bleed. He buried his face in his pillow and tried to shut his eyes.

He opened the door slowly. Tip toed in the house, without making noise. "Kabby?" Genji said. No response. "Look Kabby I'm sorry! I-I freaked out I was overwhelmed please forgive me!" he begged. He saw that Kabuki's bedroom door was cracked a little. He opened the door. Genji gasped at the sight.

Kabuki hanged from his fan by his black belt tied from his neck. "KABUKI!" Genji screamed. He hopped on the bed to undo the belt. Kabuki dropped in his arms. "KABUKI WAKE UP!" he pleaded. No response. Genji laid his ear on Kabuki's chest. No heartbeat. A sob ripped out of Genji. "NO THIS ISN'T REAL! THIS IS JUST SOME NIGHTMARE!" He pleaded to the heavens. Kabuki laid quiet, peaceful in Genji's arms. The most at peace he's ever been. Genji pulled out his phone shaking. He called the police, he called Pekoe, (who cursed him out), he called everyone he knew. Genji was sobbing in Kabuki's lifeless chest. "WHY?! I SHOULD'VE JUST LISTENED!" the police came and had to carry Kabuki away from Genji. Away forever.

Genji sat next to Kabuki's grave a few days after he found him dead. "I'm sorry Kabby..I guess you were too perfect for me." Genji said in a lifeless voice. No response. Just the wind blowing against his soaked face. "I wish you didn't die. I would've treated you like a king for the rest of my life." Genji laid on the stone. "I could be beaten up by you everyday of my life but it would not match the pain I'm feeling of losing you." Genji put a flower on top of the grave and got up leaving.


It's been a year since Kabuki's death.Genji traced the rock where he carved in his name and Kabuki's. Genji sat on the cliff where Kabuki confessed his love for him. He remembers word for word. His face. Every single bit of light shining on him. Like it was just yesterday. He remembers it. He smiles. He began to remember how they teased each other. He remembered the times they played with each other as kids. He remembered dancing with him at Pekoe's house. He remembered his smile. His perfect smile that matched his perfect body that matched his perfect mind. "I'm going to see you soon Kabby." Genji smiled dully at the setting sun. He stood up on the ledge. He shut his eyes and smiled wide. "I'm coming." He let himself fly off the ledge.

"Just remember bad times are just times...that are bad." - Katrina


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