Chapter 4: Broken Family

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"Hey Genji? My family asked me to come over for Thanksgiving. I won't be here for three weeks." Kabuki said. "Can I come with you? I haven't seen your folks in awhile. Not since high school." Genji asked. "I guess you can." Kabuki replied. "Great. I just need to pack." Genji said and went to grab some clothes from the guest bedroom he never sleeps in. He packed up and stuffed clothes in an old backpack. He went to the front door. "I got your bags Kabuki." Genji said and picked up Kabuki's bags. "Thanks." Kabuki said, walking out the door. Genji followed. He tossed the bags in the trunk. Genji drove Kabuki to his grandfather's house.

"Welcome Kabuki!" Kabuki's mother chimed. "Hey mom." Kabuki said, not looking at her face. He knew his mom saw the kiss at Genji's ceremony. And how he liked it. "Hello Genji always a pleasure to see you." Kabuki's mom said to Genji. "Thanks. Same to you." Genji responded. Kabuki's other family members greeted them. Kabuki's grandfather was the last to welcome them. "Greetings Kabuki." his grandfather bowed. Kabuki bowed back. "Greetings." Kabuki said politely. The grandfather glared at Genji and turned away from him. "Get cooking Kabuki." his grandfather grunted. "Yes sir." Kabuki replied and walked quickly to the kitchen to start cooking. Genji followed. "Genji, come sit with us. Kabuki is fine alone." Grandfather said. Genji sat down at the table. "How has your life been?" Kabuki's mother asked. "Great. Kabuki and I are still training pretty hard even though I've gotten my black belt. We even train in bed." Genji smirked. The Grandfather glared. "Oh...So how's it like living with Kabuki?" the Mother said, trying to change the subject. "It's great. I hardly go to my house. I usually stay with Kabuki most of the time. He's pretty fantastic." Genji said. The Mother smiled. "Why's he so great?" she asked. "'Cause he's Kabuki. He's just so perfect. He's graceful and nice once you know him. He's a wonderful teacher. I would've love to be taught by him when I was in school. I don't know where to start why he's so great. If it wasn't for Kabuki...I don't think I would be the person I am today." Genji said. The Great Grandmother had a smile that reached ear to ear. The Grandfather was growling lowly, ready to pop like a shaken up soda bottle. "So you must love him." The Mother said. "Of course I do! I don't know what it is about him but he's just so different from my past partners. He's just so unique and I love it so much." Genji grinned. The Grandfather stood up from his chair quickly, the chair went soaring and crashed to the ground. "I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH WORDS IN MY HOUSE!" he roared. "Oh hush you. Sit down and let the boy love Kabuki. Unlike SOMEONE I know." Kabuki's great grandmother said in a weak, yet loud voice. The Grandfather picked up the chair, falling into his seat, mumbling curses in korean, a language Genji doesn't speak.

Kabuki came out with food a few hours later. He set the table, gave everyone drinks, and handed out food to everyone. Kabuki sat next to Genji when he was done. Genji held Kabuki's hand under the table. Kabuki's face flowed with blush. Kabuki ate, starving from setting up everything for his family. Genji ate as well, stroking Kabuki's hand. "Kabby what have you been up to." Kabuki's great grandmother ask. "Nothing.." Kabuki mumbled. Genji snickered. "What are you laughing about?" Kabuki asked. " 'Kabby' I didn't know you had a nickname. It's so cute." Genji smiled. "No it's not. It's just some silly nickname." Kabuki said, face flushing. "I'm gonna start calling you that." Genji teased. "No! Don't do that!" Kabuki flustered. "So you can call me 'Gen' but I can't call you 'Kabby'?" Genji said. "He's got you there." Kabuki's mom added. "Mooom! Don't help him!" Kabuki groaned. Genji chuckled. "Can't help that I'm right." Genji said prideful. Kabuki pushed Genji away gently. Genji pushed Kabuki back. The Mother chuckled. "Boys y'all are gonna end up fighting." Kabuki's mother warned. "Nah we're fine. We do this all the time. I'm not gonna lie Kabuki wins most of the time." Genji said. Kabuki smiled. "At least you're right about one thing." "But that doesn't mean I can't." Genji challenged. "Please I would like to see you try." Kabuki said. "How do you think I got my black belt baby?" Genji grinned. Kabuki's ears went down. "That's what I thought." Genji said. "Shut up." Kabuki growled. "Boys I think it's time we went to bed." Kabuki's mother said. "Alright." Genji replied. "I'll meet you in the room. I just need to pick up." Kabuki said to Genji. "See ya in a bit then." he replied and went to the guest room.

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