Chapter 6

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Eagletail leaped down from the warriors den, approaching the medicine den, Treepaw, Cloudshine and Feathertalon, of course, we're in the small den, the ledge with herbs looked low.  Feathertalon was treating Cloudshine, her infection was spreading, from her tail to her neck had turned swollen and red.  Treepaw was sniffing herbs, the other day Eagletail had trouble sleeping hearing her talking to Feathertalon, asking her the name of the herbs and uses, she sounded like her apprentice! But Eagletail was sure she would never become her apprentice, knowing how much she loved Sparrowpaw. 
Eagletail Padded in.
"H-hi Eagletail!" Cloudshine purred, weakly and quietly, it was raspy, sounding painful for her to speak.  She coughed.
"Cloudshine! Don't speak, you have a sore throat!" Feathertalon snapped at the injured warrior.  "Eat some tansy..." She mewed, nudging the tansy towards the she-cat.
"I'm not hungry!" Cloudshine rasped.
"Tansy... That's to help sore throats... Won't honey help as well?" Treepaw suggested.
"It would... But I gave the rest of it to her yesterday" Feathertalon sighed.
Treepaw nodded.  Eagletail noticed that Treepaw's leg was swollen, and misplaced, with old, dirty cobwebs on it.  Feathertalon must be too busy with Cloudshine He assumed.
"Just eat the tansy!" Feathertalon hissed, she was under a lot of stress.
"Fine!" Cloudshine wheezed, taking small bites out of the herb.
"Ummm... Is this a bad time? I can come back later" Eagletail mewed awkwardly.
"No, it's fine... But I need to speak with you outside first" Feathertalon mewed, padding out of her den.  "Treepaw, watch Cloudshine, if anything happens you can't handle call me!" She ordered the apprentice.
Feathertalon must trust her Eagletail thought.
"Cloudshine's weak... We're running low on herbs and with Treepaw in my den as well, I don't want to be too long collecting herbs..." Feathertalon whispered.
"What do you mean" Eagletail asked.
"She's about to die!  The herbs I give her she refuses to eat... Or only eats half" Fathertalon summed up, quietly.  Feathertalon's thick fur bristled in the wind, her expression flat and serious.
"No! She's been my mate for moons! She can't leave me yet! We wanted kits so badly!" Eagletail cried.
"We can't change her fate.." Feathertalon sighed, "It's her time to go to StarClan..."
Eagletail's eyes were wet with despair. No! She can't die! He thought, his long claw digging into the earth.
From the medicine den, Treepaw gasped loudly. "Feathertalon! Come quickly!" She yowled, fear made her voice shake. 
Eagletail gasped' No! Please No StarClan! He prayed, begging, h ran to the nursery, all his power in his long, strong legs.  He was in front of Feathertalon who was lagging slightly behind.
Cloudshine's infection was expelling a white liquid, more cream than her white tabby fur. A small amount of blood was following the cream liquid, making it a red-ish pink colour. The red infection was sprending, making more of her stomach swollen and raw. Her eyes were squinted in pain, wincing. The small amount of her eyes that showed expressed her emotion clearly. 'Help!' Eagletail interpreted by her expression. She looked desperate, and in an unbearable  amount of pain. Cloudshine grunted.
Eagletail licked his mates head. "You'll be fine" he assured, knowing his statement wasn't true "Feathertalon's a great medicine cat, she wouldn't let you go"
Cloudshine coughed, Eaglegail wondering if she could even hear him.
Feathertalon came racing into the medicine den, she saw Cloudshine's wound expelling the cream substance. She let out a gasp.
Eagletail looked at the medicine cat, worry filled his eyes.
Feathertalon looked at Eagletail and Cloudshine, and ran to the small supply. She grabbed the small amount of cobwebs she had and ran to Cloudshine. "Sorry... This is all I can do..." She sighed, placing the rest of the cobwebs as a thin layer on top of the she-cats wound, not covering it all.
Eagletail looked at his mate with worry, Please! I need you! He begged his mate to stay.
Cloudshine smiled, her breathing became shallow, her pulses speed decreasing fast.
Feathertalon noticed. "Treepaw! Get some Jupiter berries!" She ordered, worried.
Treepaw limped to the storage and grabbed the one berry they had left, and hobbled to the medicine cat. "We don't have much" she reported.
"It will have to do! Cloudshine! Eat the berries!" Feathertalon panicked.
"What help will it do, we both know what will happen, the day I met that dog, I knew..." Cloudshine rasped, smiling, accepting what would happen.
Feathertalon nudged the berries closer, her eyes wet with sadness. "I-I have to try! It's my job! I jus-" Feathertalon was Intrupted by Cloudshine.
"You have hope, but I've accepted it, it's your turn..." She rasped, her breathing becoming more shallow.
"No! Cloudshine! I need you!" Eagletail begged.
"Eagletail... I love you so much, but you know very well you will live on, new love rests in the heart of the song bird, trust your heart... 3 await, 1 is nothing to compare. When the bird is swept away, the flowers creator will take charge... Hope..." Cloudshine rasped, her breathing almost gone, her pulse slow, her eyes flicked closed.
Eagletail looked at her, wide-eyed, and teary. "C-Cloudshine..."
There was no reply
"Hope... Next... Songbird...3..." Cloudshine rasped. Her breathing stopped, her pulse was slight, fading.
Eagletail stared at her mate confused, and worried. "Cloudshine!"
No reply once more.
Silence flooded camp, most warriors were sleeping.
Eagletail layed near his mate, licking her head. "I'll see you again! I promise" he vowed.
Feathertalon looked at Cloudshine's limp body. "What kind of medicine cat am I!"
"What do you mean?" Eagletail asked, wiping his wet eyes.
"I couldn't stop an infection! I couldn't save Lightningwind! I couldn't save Cloudshine! I'm just an extra mouth to feed!" Feathertalon cried.
"She came to you late! There was nothing you could do!" Eagletail defended.
"I used all my herbs... On someone I couldn't save" she bunched up in a ball. Eagletail touched his tail on her shoulder "Leave me alone" Feathertalon hissed.
"As you wish" Eagletail mewed, looking at his mate. "I'll sit vigil for you..." He whispered "Feathertalon will prepare your body soon, she's just upset"
Cloudshine lifeless body laid still.
Eagletail padded into the clearing, laying down, alone, wordless. Too much had happened to speak about, tears slid down her face.

CloudClan's Story {} A Warriors FanFiction {} Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن