Chapter 11

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Mintpaw sighed on relief as he saw the sun peak over the horizon. He could final see slightly, although a slight layer of darkness still covered the land. His body was still soaked, from the cold rain falling on his pelt, his paws were in mud of the river bank. The rain had washed the blood off his scratch, although it was still tender and raw. As more rain fell on his pelt, and looked at the apprentices behind him.
Blazepaw, who had insisted they went out to find the noise, had his head held low, obliviously regretting his choice. Brookpaw, who sided with Blazepaw, looked just as sad, and depressed as the golden Tom. Her eyes gleamed at her mud-covered paw. Softpaw, who also didn't want to go, was still happy as her normal self, limping, but still outgoing. Sparrowpaw, who followed the two other cats willingly, was looking around, his skinny frame was shaking from the cold rain. And finally, Mintpaw, who wanted to stay back and get some rest, but wanted to watch over his littermate and the other apprentices with Softpaw, wished he would have had the same quick thinking as Treepaw, running to the forest, being safe from the danger.
Mintpaw went along the long river, wondering if he had reached the path yet, and missed. He could hear Sparrowpaw's stomach rumble, he hadn't felt hungry in till he heard the noise, he started to feel starved and weak, he shook it off, feeling much better.
He tiled his head, Huh? He wondered, he shook the thought off, focusing on the long trail ahead of him, although he trusted Cloudshine, he wondered when he would reach the path.
A strong gust of wind came, making Softpaw's thick fur blast towards the river. The wind kept going, getting stronger and stronger, the rain blasting faster and faster. Mintpaw kept padding along the river bank, looking at his paws, too weak to start a convorstation with other cats.
The wind came stronger. Brookpaw, Softpaw and Blazepaw yelled for help, the strong blast of wind took the weak cats by surprise, knocking them off there balance, falling into the river. The cats could usually swim, but the tide was running fast!
Sparrowpaw and Mintpaw looked at each other for a quick second and started to to run after the drenched cats, being taken away by the tide. Mintpaw looked around while running, he felt nervous, scared for his life for no reason. He notice that they were emerging a large Boulder, and slightly a head of it was a fallen tree, if he could aim it right with the tide then he could save the cats. He flicked his tail to the fallen tree and looked at !!Sparrowpaw, his littermate nodded and ran as fast as he could to he tree.
Mintpaw took a deep breathe, gaining his courage. He leaped in the river, the tide blasting, with rain dropping on him. Mintpaw looked at the cream and brown apprentices, they were both terrified, scared for there lives, and Mintpaw could feel it, he knew how it felt some how. His drenched, muddy paw, unstealthed its claws as he saw the large rock emerging, the tide splashing on it, it was soaked, but Mintpaw had hope in his pounding heart that he could save the two she-cats. They were young, and small and he hoped they were as light as he thought they were, StarClan, give me the power to help them! He pleaded, this eyes becoming wet from how much the statement meant to him.
He was nearing the rock, and he tryed his best to swim against the strong, tide. He tryed swimming in the rocks direction, so he could get on it. He succeeded! He was making his way slowly towards the large rock in the stream. He held his breathe, bobbing under the freezing water, making him go much faster. The tide pushed him, with a strong wave. He smashed into the Rock. Making him land on it. His side felt on fire, raw, swollen, but he knew he had to save Softpaw and Brookpaw. He stood up, and used his unstealthed claw to taken Brookpaw and used his mussel to bite Softpaw by the scruff. He successfully got both the she-cats onto the rock, his mussels were sore from baring the weight of both the apprentices.
He looked at the two young she-cats covered in water, they weren't moving.  T-they must just be unconscious! He thought, as he splashed some water one the apprentices faces, hoping they would watch up, from the shock the water flying in their face, but the rain made it feel normal.  Mintpaw began to panic, he took his paw, and hit Softpaw with all his power.  She young apprentice gasped, breathing as much air as she could.  She locked eyes with Mintpaw, "T-Thank yo-" she coughed "you"
Mintpaw dipped his head, telling her he heard. He batted at Brookpaw was face, as he waited to see if she would awaken.
Brookpaw's tail flicked, her breathing became steady, gasping for air. She looked at Mintpaw, no thank you, no response, a growl emerged in Mintpaw's throat. That selfish fox heart! He snapped to himself, not wanting to let out the rude comment.
Mintpaw looked at Sparrowpaw, who had Blazepaw dangling from the fallen, mossy tree.  He sighed in relief.  We're all okay! StarClan is helping us! We might make it back to camp alive! He thought happily, as he looked at his littermate.  Mintpaw flicked his long, puffed out tail to the land, telling Sparrowpaw to bring Blazepaw their.

After a long time of struggling to get both she-cats and Blazepaw to the land, both Mintpaw and Sparrowpaw succeeded, they glanced at each other weakly, and panting.  They both smiled with a feeling of happiness and success, at least, that's what Mi to as felt, and judging by his brothers expression, so did he. 
Softpaw coughed up more water.  "I-I can't thank you enough Mintpaw! You saved my life!" She purred.
"Ya..." Brookpaw muttered.
Blazepaw weakly looked at Sparrowpaw.  "Thanks! Without you, I'd be crow food!" He exclaimed, smiling at the older Tom.
Mintpaw looked at the group of apprentices.  "Let's get going..." He took his eyes off of Softpaw, and saw a path made by TwoLegs! W-we're here... This is what StarClan was planning! He thought amazed, he never would have thought StarClan had such great powers.  The lilac coloured night sky was becoming gradually blue, as the sun rose higher in the sky.  The ball of light still hadn't reached past the horizon, Sliverpelt was still across the sky, not the bright blue sky that usually covered the large Area above.
He got up, and puffed out his chest, they were no longer a group of lost apprentices, but determined young warriors, daring, and brave.  They now had the courage of a warrior, and not just a lost group of kits.
Mintpaw flicked his tail to the large path.  "Follow me!" He ordered.
"Why should we follow you?" Blazepaw asked rudely, heaving himself onto his weak, frail paws.
"Just trust me on this!" Mintpaw replied calmly, helping Softpaw up.  After all the weak apprentice were on their paws, ready to travel, they headed toward the trail, hoping wig all their heart they would arrive at camp.

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