Chapter 10

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Sorry for the Cliff hanger on the last chapter guys XD Also sorry this chapter is so short, especially compared to the last one!
Eagletail's eyes flicked open, the rain was showering it pelt.  He leaped out of the warriors den, his fur soaked.  He shook the water off, sending water flying in every direction.  He looked at the sky, and sighed, he saw one star, gleaming down at him, was it Cloudshine? Eagletail laid down, no other cats were awake.
He stared at the star, and mor memories of her popped into his mind...
"Eaglekit! Run faster! It'll catch us!" CloudKit yelled.
Eaglekit panted to the nursery, giggling.
WindStar was behind them, running slowly, with mud on her face.  "Grrrr, the badger will get, you kits!" She growled, jokingly.
CloudKit laughed.  "Mom! You should wash your pelt, you look like dad!"
WindStar shook off her pelt.  "No matter what I did to my pelt it would never be as crazy as Wildpelt's!"
Eaglekit laughed, wondering why his mother never played with him.  He liked playing with WindStar more than any cat, he wanted to be leader one day! But he knew that CloudKit would be before him, he just hoped he'd be Cloudkit's deputy.
CloudKit looked at Eaglekit.  "Now it's The leader of SnowClan! Jaystar! Run!"
Eaglekit smiled and sprinted.
Eagletail smiled, but now he knew that both of the she-cats were dead, living in the stars, he was alone...
CloudKit puffed out her chest.
"I am happy to say, my daughters, CloudKit and Mossykit, will become apprentices today!" WindStar turned to Cloudkit.  "From this day forward she will be known as Cloudpaw! And her mentor will be Sunfern!" WindStar called from the very top of the Tall Oak.  Her blue orbs looked at Mossykit.  "In till you finish your trainings you will be known as Mossypaw.  You will be mentored by Wildpelt!"
Eaglekit smiled at Cloudpaw, but jealousy was deep inside him. He wants to be an apprentice, and he wanted to share a den with Cloudpaw.  More jealously raged inside him, he wanted WindStar or Wildpelt to mentor him! With them both being like his parents. 
Eaglekit padded back to te nursery, with a long face.
Cloudpaw ran to him. "Hey! Don't be sad, You're only half a moon younger than me! You'll be in the apprentices den in no time!" She assured him
Eaglekit nodded, and stormed into the apprentices den. He laid beside his mother, Grasstail, and closed his eyes, he felt lonely, with his mother the oldest queen, and his father in the elders den already, he couldn't play with his parents, and his littermate, Frostkit, was always hanging out with Stonepaw. He sighed, and drifted to sleep.
Eagletail knew how he felt when he was a kit, but that loneliness was worse, all the cats he loved were gone, Cloudshine, WindStar, Lightwind, And Shadowheart...
Eaglepaw ran to Cloudpaw. "Cloudpaw! Finally!" He purred
"Eaglepaw! I already made your nest! I got some feather from an eagle Sunfern caught." Cloudpaw purred.
"Am eagle! They swoop kits up! Don't they?" Eaglepaw asked Scaredly
"Ya, but you're not a kit anymore, and if you catch it the right way, its delicious" CloudKit nudged him.
"Beetlescar says that We can go hunting... If you'd like... You could come? It's my first time out!" Eaglepaw asked
"Do you think I'd say no! Let's go!"
Eaglepaw smiled.
Beetlescar, Eaglepaw, and Cloudpaw padded out of camp, Eaglepaw smelt a squrriel, and he did his best hunting crouch, that WindStar taught him and padded slowly towards the bushes
"You can do it" Cloudpaw whispered.
Eaglepaw puffed out his chest and pounced on the rabbit, it was plump, and almost as big as him! He showed it to Beetlescar. "Wow! Eaglepaw! You're a natural Hunter! I hardly taught you anything! I only have one tip, keep your tail low, but not touching th ground, and try being balanced on all your paws, so you can leap farther."
"That's two tips!" Cloudpaw laughed.
Eaglepaw giggled.
Eagletail smiled, he wished it was still like that, where all the cats praised him for catching one piece of prey. Now, all the cats thought of him as a best Hunter in the clan, and don't expect anything less than 2 pieces of prey from him. He sighed, and looked at his paws.
Robinpaw came running to him, panting.
Eagletail tilted his head, and looked at his surroundings, he saw the night sky above him, Robinpaw, Sprinting in his direction, Treepaw, in the medicine den, crying, she was getting something applied on her paw. Robinpaw seemed to be coming from the medicine den.
Robinpaw arrived at Eagletail. "Eagletail! I'm so glad your awake!" She panted
"Why?" Eagletail asked
"B-because the other apprentices are trapped in the mountains!" Robinpaw cried, worried for her denmates.
Eagletail gasped.

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