chapter 22

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I was sitting more like sleeping on the bed of the hotel room while harry was in the bathroom doing what I don't know . He had been there for quite sometime though  I wanted to screams at his guts for going back to normal I didn't seem to find the energy for it .

I noticed there was just one bed in this huge hotel room . The room was massive but they could afford to just put one king size bed.  After harry being weird this morning I don't like the idea of sharing a bed with someone who goes back on his promise.

Ever since we stepped into this room his phone which he had placed on the bed hadn't stopped buzzing.  I tried distracting myself with my own phone but curiosity is a bitch . It wouldn't stop buzxing and it was giving me a head ache.  Someone was texting him rampantly and it was annoying as fuck since i was trying to get some rest . I decided to check who it was . I rolled over to the edge where his phone was placed. I grabbed it off the pillow and faced the screeen towarss me. The screen lit indicating he had one new message . I swiped the screen to check what it was when I heard shuffling from the bathroom.  I quickly locked the screen and placed it in its designated place . Last thing I needed was for harry to think I was snooping around . I pretended I was busy on my own phone . Suddenly the plastic cover around my phone amused me more than anything. 

I didn't bother to give harry the attention when he walked towards the bed and fetched his phone . I was too busy pretending to be occupied and acting like I didn't notice him.  He cleared his throat drawing my attention . I looked up from my phone to meet the green orbes which looked different.  They looked tensed.  They were a darker shade than before.  I didn't know if I should ask him if something was wrong . I just kept mum and looked at him. He finally opened his mouth to speak.  " you should get ready we will leave in a bit" was all he said

I was too exhausted from everything happening around and I didn't want to go to the concert and with harry behaving the way he was all the more wanted me to just hide away but the boys would be disappointed as they were excited for the show and they wanted me to be there. 

I shrugged getting off the bed and walking over to my bag . I grabbed a pair of loose chino pants that I had packed along with a white sleeveless self embroidered blouse.  I stepped into the bathroom to see that the tub was already filled with water and bath salt . Did harry do this was the first question that popped in my mind . I shrugged not knowing what to do about the boys mood swings . I stripped out of my clothes ,  I didn't have the mental strength to look at myself in the mirror so I went against It . I stepped into the water . It was just perfect a warm bath to unravel my nerves .

After my long bath of just scrubbing myself and relaxing I got out and stepped into the shower just to move out the remains of the bath soup on my body . I wrapped myself into the towel and dressed in to the outfit I had selected.  Since it was sleeve less and the neck was a little deep some of the bruise marks were visible . I decided to wear a scarf round my neck . I stepped out of the bathroom and went straight to my bag harry was in the balcony of the room on his phone again there was a part of me tempted to go and grab the phone or at least question his behavior but there was another part that was a coward.  I tied my wavy hair up into a messy bun and went over to the mirror to put on a thin shrug and a scarf round my neck . I slipped into my pair of white toms.  Since harry was still not done with his phone call I decided to just leave him and go find the other boys . We had the entire floor for crew and the band and the boys so finding them should not be difficult.

Before leaving I decided to leave harry a note.  I picked up a post it and scribbled onto it ' gone to find the boys cya soon x ' I said and placed it on his wallet where I knew he would find it.

I looked at him one last time but seemed too busy on the phone I just shrugged and decided to no bother by his behavior though it would be difficult since I was sharing a bloody room with him.

I wanted to clear my mind from all the harry nonsense so I stepped out of the room and to my luck I found that the next room belonged to niall since the room door was open and he was talking to the room service lady who wouldn't stop giggling in his presence . I never knew my best friend had such lovely charm with the ladies . I walked over towards them and his face lit up on seeing me " annnnniieee" he yelled out  something most people called me . Niall introduced me to the room service girl who I learnt was named Susan.  We thanked her for the food and everything and we stepped into the room .

" what took you so long ?"came another voice as soon as we entered in which I knew belonged to Louis. 

" I met Anna " he said leaving out the part of the room service lady Susan.  Louis turned around to look at me.  He was already changed and ready.  He was dressed in a pair of jeans and white shirt more like a t-shirt and he had white toms on .

" oh my God  we are matching " Louis yelled out like a girl which made me chuckle ." I wanna take a selfie of us and put it up on insta maybe twitter as well.  " Louis said and so he did he took a selfie of us and tried to avoid niall in it though every time he tried to photobomb the picture.  In defeat he clicked a picture with niall making a silly face in it.   He quickly uploaded it on I don't know which social network but I couldn't resist the food anymore . I went over to the cart which contained the food when Louis again yelled " wait m not following you on any network " to which I chuckled . " search for celestial_nyphm" and so he did and soon my phone buzzed . I unlocked it to see two new follows and one mention.  I smiled at the picture and quickly followed the boys on twitter and instagram and quickly went back to eating my food . They had ordered a lot to which I learnt that everyone was gonna join us for breakfast here and then we would leave. 

Soon Liam and zany joined us and we were eating only person missing was harry and just on que zayn asked "where is curly " and all shrugged and looked at me " he was on the phone when I left " everyone nodded in understanding except Louis he had a different expression what ever was. Happening with harry Louis knew and I was gonna get the info out of him .

Soon we were joined in by Paul but harry was still no where in sight . Paul went head to call him while we all gathered into the lobby . There was still a big crowd of girls outside .

" is it always like this? " I asked and they nodded " you'll get used to it " niall said and I smiled at him.  Soon harry came in following Paul and he had a even bigger frown on his face . "What the matter ? " Louis asked and Paul answered instead " kendal is coming " he said " oooooooo" niall said and I stood there in confusion.  Harry looked at me but when I looked back at him he moved his eyes away and his shoes becoming very interesting to him. 

We began walk out I had to find out what was happening and I don't think any of the boys were going to tell me . Once we got through the crowd and we're into the car . Yea they didn't take the bus I didn't question everyone had become quite and Harry wasn't even in the same room as us . He was just busy on his phone yet again .

I decided I needed to find out who kendal was so I took my phone out and typed on Google.  My friend in desperate need . Kendal and Harry styles in the search bar and several pictures popped up . Kendal was someone Harry was dating for publicity. She was one of the kardashian sisters .

Harry never once mentioned he had a girlfriend. I mean I don't even know if he actually likes her cause some things say it's a mutual thing and some say it's for publicity. I don't know what to believe and this guy went ahead and kissed me when he had a girl friend and when made promises to me . Maybe he thought I would never find out and I would just be his India fling I can't believe this right now . My body was raging in anger but there was a part in me that didn't want to believe this was any true.

I decided I was just gonna ignore him for now and I was definitely moving out of the room .  I had to ask one of the boys if  I could stay over . I looked around and decided that maybe Louis was the only choice I had to share a room with .

We reached our destination and I got out of the car moving away from the boys. I didn't want to be around any of them right now . I went ahead to where lou their hair dresser was stood . I decided I rather be around her and I prayed no one would realise and question my sudden change in mood .

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