Chapter 2

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Recap end of C1:

"Because." He said, sighing and taking a step back. "Your 'friend' isn't being punished for a beating, Emily. He is the prime suspect for the murder of Harley James, the kid who went missing a few mouths ago. They found him dead about half an hour ago, a knife stuck in his back, in your mate George's cell."

"I have no particular desire to live. I have no particular desire to be killed. It is a matter of indifference to me. I do not think I am all together right."

- Albert Fish, AKA the Grey Man, the werewolf of Wysteria, the Brooklyn Vampire, the Moon Manic and the Boogey man.  Confessed to killing 3 people, but there may have been as many as 10. (The exact number is not known as he was a cannibal)  

Chapter 2

After that moment, everything in my life changed.

My heart pumped in my ears, blood rushing in and out, in and out.


Only it was faster and everything was starting to blur together. The room tilted and I found myself in unfamiliar arms, the door shrinking as I was dragged away.


I shook my head, but it did nothing to aid my vision. My feet dragged against the hard stone floor, my armpits aching as I blindly blinked.


Pinkish light; like an afternoon sunset, swept across my vision. Someone's hand?

I blinked once, twice, and then nothing.


I awoke with my face smooched against a car window. The tinted glass now smudged with my drool. I slowly sat up and wiped at my mouth, my tongue as dry as sandpaper. Groaning, I rubbed my aching temples. My brain feeling as if it had been replaced by frog, frantically jumping and pushing up against my skull.

"Excuse me miss," I jumped as the voice spoke up next to me. Of course you're not alone you idiot, the car wouldn't be driving itself.  It was a kind, middle aged, looking man with greying hair and a wide nose. I knew him, I think. Russell? "You had another of your fainting spells. Your father told me to give you this; he's not far behind us. You'll be home soon." He handed me some crackers and vegemite, probably from my emergency stash in the office. I muttered my thanks and gave him a small smile. This wasn't the first time I had had one of my 'spells'. Low blood pressure or something, but I usually only get them when I panic.

Panic. The fight. George. I jolted upright in my seat, one of the crackers shattering in my clenched hand.

"What happened? Is George going to be ok? Dad knows he didn't do it right? Right?" I spilled out, unable to stop my verbal diarrhea. Russell didn't take his eyes from the road but his chest rose and fell dramatically and he raspberried his lips. He wouldn't tell me everything; I knew that. I just wanted to know if George was going to be ok.

"Look honey," Oh god. "We don't have all the evidence yet," Oh no. "But it's not looking too hot." Oh shit.

I slumped back in my chair and raked my free hand through my hair.

"Shit." I stated simply. I sighed and continued to munch on my last cracker, the crunching barely soothing my worry. Brushing my skirt, I freed the little specks of food from the clutches of my fabric. Think you knob, think.

Anger coiled inside of me, as I knew I could not do anything to help fix the misleading situation. George was getting beaten to a pulp while I was sitting in a car eating freaking vegemite. I couldn't help it. I exploded. Lashing out, I punched the dashboard, hurting my hand more than the car. Russell didn't really seem to care.

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