Your Jinxx from BVB

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Kate's pov

I was with my friends they dragged me to see Black Veil Brides they were so excited to see them in concert then I heared someone say my name

" emo fang I thought you was dead all ready" I turn around it was Dean the bullie from Elementary School who has been trying to hurt me for weeks"So  you remembered my name"

He get closer to me I try to push him away from me so I started to run away trying  to find my friends I couldnt find them anywhere then dean grab my wrist then he get out a knife and  stabed  me in my shoulder. The concert was over I hold on to my shoulder and start to run again.

Jinxx's pov
After we played our final song for our fans I could see this one girl not happy to be at our conncert.  Then I heard a guy yelled at her saying.
"emo fang I thought you was dead all ready"

If that girl was my sister I would tell the guy to leave her alone. She started running way from him. She tryed to push him away then something inside of me snapped I want to help her then we finished the concert.  I saw the guy again with a knife in his a hand. We  all saw it.

I wanted to talk to thr girl and ask her if she has seen my sister. I haven't  seen her in years.

Kate's pov
I was holding my shoulder where Dean stabed me still running from him run into someone's back the guy turned around it was Jinxx from Black Veil Brides I was going to tell him it was me his sister but he didn't remember how I was

" I am so sorry that I run into you" " No it's ok you look like you are running from someone" "yes I am running  from a bullied from school a long time ago I have to goooooooooo" I was losing why to much blood so I was about to leave walk back to the park when I hear

The lead singer from BVB aka Andy say something but when there all saw that I was losing a lot of blood I blackout in front of all of them

Andy's pov
When we all saw that she was stob in the shoulder I was going to tell her something but she blackout from losing a lot of blood then

" hey stay with us please hung in there" so I saw that Ashley rip his shirt rap it around her shoulder we take her the hospital when we get her there

CC mom take her then we awaited in the waiting room then CC mom come back out tell us

" good thing get her here in time she". CC mom said " can all of us go see her" then doctor Mora said " yes you can see her" when we got to the door we walk in she was not in the hospital bed at all there had to be something wrong wait

"Ashley when you looked at her did she look formal to you" I look at her all right all I wanted to do was huge her so tightly it was Katelyn all right

Kate's pov
While the doctor Mora what to tell her son and his band mates that I was awake I pulled out the iv in my arm jumped out the window

"Crap that was big brother Jeremy, his whole band mates why did my brother remember me I miss him so much"
when my ringtone on my phone go's off the song New Years Day played I started to sing along

Crap there was my brother and his band mates looking for me there saw me I get to the park claiming the tree

Ashley's pov
We all looking for  Kate I can hear are song New Years Day play someone was singing along to it

we all saw that she was right there hiding from us behid the Busch she was singing along to your song she started to run towards the park

she didn't see that car come at all I grab her by the arm

" thank you so much " she run up to Andy he hugs her he said" I am so glad that you are safe in my arm's"

Kate look so sad glad to have her back have been looking everywhere for her I'm just glad to see her again just can't believe that Jinxx didn't realized that his sister looks different scarce then

Kate's pov
I tell them the reason I run was because I though I saw Dennis in the hospital also telled them that I have living in the park about two weeks

Andy that it be a good idea for me to life with Ashley "you do not need to live in the park anymore Ashley as a empty room at his house on the weekends you can stay with me"

So my big brother didn't realized  I look different scarce then at all still letting me stay at Ashley houses 

" What are your favorite songs from are band" I tell him" Heart Of Fire,Goodbye Agony,World Of Sacrifice, Walk Away, The Shattered God,Coffin, New Years Day,Unbroken, Never Give In,Youth And Whisky, should I coniune New Religion,Fallen Angels, God Bless You,Days Are Numbered, Rebel Love Song"

so Ashley cuts me off asking me about my favorite song" what is your one favorite song from the band" " my number one song from the band is the only one that can calm me down is The Morticians Daughter" I said to Ash

CC asked me the some question all the time when I was fourteen" What is your favorite colors" I said " all of the dark colors I am not that stupid" CC said "you are not stupid don't say that you are a beautiful girl I every meet" "thank for saying that I am beautiful CC"

He never called me beautiful before that is the first time he told me that I'm glad that I am back with the guys again I am not letting no one hurt me like that every again I take karate lessons

Jake's pov
She had a list of all of songs have not seen a girl that as a thing for the message that we puts in the songs

" I am hunger please have something to eat" when we got to ashleys house

we all walk over to CC place because he was making dinner for all of us to eat after we all eat she had a thirth plate of food crap never seen her eat like that before" have you eat anything you was live in the park" she said to me " No I have not eating anything while living there"

after she was done eating she did not look good at all so Andy,Ashley take her back to ash place

Video for this Chapter Jinxx violin solo Black Veil Brides

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