the interview

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I still have not told my sister about the interview that is going on today I just want her to be happy there's also a photoshoot between her and Andy that they want to get done for a magazine I don't know how my sister is going to react to this she's never token a picture for a magazine before

' sis I have something to tell you it is really important
That you have to understand'

' what is it that you need to tell me Big Brother if it is that important to go ahead and tell me'

' okay but please don't get mad at me promise me that'

' you know I would never get mad at you you're my big brother and I'll Always Love You no matter what so what is so important that you need to tell me'

' okay here it is there is an interview today that we are doing and you are going to be in it they also want to take a picture of you and Andy for a magazine'

' finally I got to be the interview with you guys I never got a chance to do that before what is this thing about me being in a magazine'

At least my sister didn't get mad at me she is a little upset about the magazine thing but I did not understand that when I got the text from the people that wanted to do the magazine it was for a wedding catalog

All they wanted from the magazine is what type of wedding that her and Andy were going to have and wanted to take pictures of her and him and their wedding dress and Tuxedo so they can be on the front of the magazine cover

Katelyn's POV
Finally I get to be in an interview with the rest of the guys in the band I have never done that before with my brother usually I was on the sideline watching them doing the interview but this time I get to be in the interview with them I am so excited about that

But I was not happy about finding out about the magazine thing what kind of catalog is it for my brother has not told me the reason why

' the magazine catalog that wants the picture of you and Andy it has to deal with your wedding so they want to get a picture of it for their magazine cover'

' so the interview today what's it going to be like what kind of questions are going to be asked are they going to ask you a about the new songs for the album are they going to ask you guys what you been doing on the sidelines since you haven't been working on anything new lately'

Will my brother now how agitative I am right now asking about that but I am so aggravated about all of this happening all at once when I get aggravated like this I talk to much I don't no how my brother is band do this all the time I am so nervous about all of this I don't no want to do about it while that is so going on I will be on the bus

the guys are getting ready for there interview I am sitting on the couch watch Vampire Knight on Netflix eating my Taco Bell burrito that my brother get me right after we where done getting my tattoo's I got hungry at the time so my brother took me to Taco Bell to get something to eat I really had a craving for a burrito so I wanted to get one

I glad that I was all ready dressed for today I didn't even have to put on any makeup I was not up to it Ashley,my brother finely came out of the bunks ready for the interview just have to wait for Andy,Jake,CC to be ready to go because the interview start in a hour I don't no want is taking those boy so long to get ready

Finely the rest of them was all set ready I just can't believe that I am going to be in the interview with my brother's band mates for the first time still don't no any of the questions are going to be asked at the interview i am still kind of

We gotta there automatically my brother set down on the couch with the others

I didn't know where to set all I did was waited for them to be interviewed

The year is shaping up to be a impressive one for Andy Biersack and Black Veil Brides album interview

while this was gonging on I am like frozen still I'm terrified looking at the camera zoned out

"sis sis sis I am so sorry about my sister she is not paying attention on what's going on right now"

" Sorry what are you saying I didn't here what you where saying" I was completely out of it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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