I don't feel so good

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Andy's pov
After all that food she eat she didn't look so will at all so me,Ash take her back to his place I take her temperature she was burning up Ashley come in the room I told him

  "Ashley get me a washcloth, blow of water please her temperature is real high" she did have a fever so I ask CC to make some Chicken noodle soup for her I told them that she was sick had a high fever

"Andy where is the bathroom at" Kate said to me I take her to the bathroom she had to throw up rap circle her back then Ashley come's back from the store with some mediacen for her to take

I carried her back to the couch lay her down get her temperature back to normal she needs to feel better soon

Ashley's pov
When I got back from the store andy is carried her back to the couch because she was sick Jinxx what to got a trace can for her to throw up in after

she eat the chicken noodle soup before I carried her upstairs to my room so she can take a nap so she can feel better  did that I see her at the kitchen door all of us are in the kitchen please tell me she is hunger again sh just eat something

" I am hunger again can I have a big blow of cereal" I know it she was going to ask that CC just give her a blow of Chicken noodle soup how can she be hunger again

" Why are you so hunger girl you just eat" I told her she told me the real reason why " The reason I am so hunger is because I am pragnet with a baby" then we all Starred at her stomach she was right then who is the father

Looks like Jinxx is not ready to be any uncle not just yet dang it girl she run back to the bathroom Andy followed her

Kate's pov
All of them are looking it my stomach CC is talk like a baby for no reason its creeping me out

Andy is acting like a four year old little child voices to the baby inside my stomach then I can hear Ashley say " How in there right mind would do something to you like that" "My friend was trying to have a baby of her own but her body could not handle it so she ask my to carry the baby for her"

then Ashley calmed down because he was upset that I was pragnet with a baby I said " Ashley why are you acting overpertative father"

Ashley's pov
Me being overpertative father never in my life Andy, CC, Jake,Jinxx fall on the floor laugh out loud so hard its not even funny

I asked her something but she is on her phone text her friend Kate says " I think my water broke" then she looks down at her pants there are wet

"Crap my water just broke" Then she is screaming in pain we all look at her she told us " GUYS I AM GOING INTO LABER RIGHT NOW"

we all run her to the car take her to the hospital Kate see her friend Tera with her husband then a doctor come with a wheel chair for Kate we wait in the waiting room then for a while now the doctor come's back out tell us that Kate what's to talk with her  Jinxx only

Jinxx's pov
When the doctor came back out sayed that Kate what to talk to me only I saw her friend Tera with the baby in her arms leaving the hospital when I get to Kates hospital room I get a good look at her dang it my sister she looks a lot different scarce she was fourteen

" Is Ashley dating anyone right now" I told her "why are you ask do you have feelings for Ashley"

I wish can hold her right now she is my sister for cry out loud " Can you tell Ashley that I want to talk to him only"

then one of are song Rebel Love Song come's on her phone she Start's to sing along to it pretend she is playing the bass I leave her room before I left I told her" Ashley is not dating any one at all he is just don't what to be in no relationship right now"

I left the room to go get Ashley I see that my sister pulls out her iv in her arm walks over to the window jumps out then I go get the guys from the waiting room that Kate jumped out the window

Ashley's pov
When Jinxx Tell's us that he watch his only flash, blood jumped out the window

" I told her that you are not dating any one at all don't what to be in no relationship right now Ashley" I go up to Jinxx "why did you say that to her"

Surely she your sister for goddesses" It looked like she has feelings for you Ashley" when he said that did she have feelings for me then we all left the hospital to find out where she want then it came to my head she most be at the park where we all met her

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