I thank I am in love

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Andy's POV
I've been thinking about how Katelyn and me have been together for a while but I don't know how to tell her that I'm in love I think I'm falling in love with her but she still dating Ashley I've been helping her with her music for a while now but Ashley has been getting on my nerves for a past week I don't know what to do with all of this Katelyn has been on bed rest since the accident in the barn since she got bitten I just want to make sure that she's okay she broke her ankle at the same time she got bitten by the snake I just don't know what to do

But I'm glad she has a doctor's appointment today to see if her ankle has healed I just want to make sure that she'll be alright I want her to be okay things in the house have been looking like a mess since Katelyn broke her ankle she has not have the time to clean it up so Ashley is coming over today

Looks like Ashley is here "hey Andy how is Katelyn  doing" why is he so worried about Katelyn I'm just need some help cleaning up the house

" she is doing fine Ashley"

" listen she's been on bed rest for a long time now I asked you to come over to help me clean the house"

" she'll be okay I promise you her bed rest is over for today she has a doctor's appointment do you want to go along with me to see Dr. Mora"
" yes I'll go along with you Andy and another thing is I'm going to break up with her today I hope she won't be mad at me"

Great now he's breaking up with Katelyn there has to be a reason why he's doing this to her  like that he never breaks up of a girl there has to be a reason why I don't want Katelyn  to have a broken heart I don't want to hear her crying all the time I know she will be heartbroken here goes nothing he's going to go up there and break up with her

I'm not going to let this happen I cannot just let him hurt her like that so I just stand in front of Ashley and make sure he does not go up to her room nevermind looks like she was us listening to the conversation was he was near the stairs she does not look happy

Katelyn POV
I was upstairs in my room mining my own business thinking of a new song to write but I still have to work on my song that Andy is still helping me with I am so happy that I'm living with Andy oh have I told you I already broke up with Ashley over the phone so he thinks he can just come over here and break up with me in person that's just wrong

My appointment with Dr. Mora is today so Andy is taking me to go see her to look at my ankle I have been on bed rest for a while now I really want to help clean up the house today but I have been on bed rest the house is a mess in my room is a disaster but Andy already clean that up for me today so I don't know what else to do today

So I'm walking out of my room I'm waiting by the stairs and I see Andy trying to make sure that Ashley does not come up to talk to me I already broke up with him over the phone what is his deal so what I'm in love with Andy that doesn't mean a thing that's the reason I broke up with Ashley over the phone and he says he can so he thinks he can come over here argue with me about this will two can play at that game me and Ashley are so over I don't even want to be around him anymore well maybe sometimes at the studio but the auditions are tomorrow and he's going to be there and I really don't want to be that mad with Ashley

Ashley is like one of the band members in my band now and I don't even have anybody else except him and me in the band and then one of the other Black Veil Brides members during the band as well  guess who it is yeah it's Jinxx he joined the band last week so there's only three of us now still have no drummer or lead guitarists I don't know what else to do but tomorrow will be a better day today I got to go see my doctor

"Katelyn it's time to go we don't want to be late for your doctor's appointment"
I hear Andy calling for me downstairs so I leave to go down there on my way down I see Andy trying to block Ashley's way up to see me I just already told him it's over with and he doesn't listen oh well looks like a just going to tell say it to his face

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