First Date

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Todrick met Jesse at a concert they both went too. They hit it off right away exchanged numbers and talked ever since then.

Today was their first date and Todrick was freaking out.

Todrick wanted to ask Jesse to be his Boyfriend and didn't know exactly how.

"Chesterrrrr please help meeee!" Todrick whined as he walked up to Chester's room.

"With what?" He asked scrolling through Twitter and eating fruit.

"I want to ask out Jesse and I don't know how." Todrick pouted and flopped on the bed.

"Just say 'Hey I think you're really cute and i was wondering if you would be my boyfriend?' How about that?"

"Wow Chester remind me to never ask you for advice ever again." Todrick said rolling his eyes.

"Ask him in French." Chester said picking up a pineapple and putting it in his mouth.

"He might not understand it stupid."

"Well then translate it later. It's 6:30 Todrick go get ready."

Todrick looked at the time and ran to the bathroom.


He pulled up at Jesse's house exactly at 7 and texted him saying he was outside.

"I'm leaving mom!" Jesse yelled.

"Have fun!" His mom called as he walked out the door.

Todrick was leaning against his car when Jesse came out. He looked up from his phone and opened the door for Jesse.

"Thank you." Jesse said.

"You're welcome." Todrick smiled and shut the door.

"Where are we going?" Jesse asked quietly.

"It's a surpirse."

"Noooo I hate surprises." Jesse whined.

"Well you'll like this surprise." Todrick laughed and Jesse pouted.

"That's adorable." Todrick said and Jesse blushed.

About 5 minutes later they pulled up at the fair and Jesse almost jumped out the moving car.

"Oh my gosh I love the fair!!!" He exclaimed which made Todrick laugh.

"Well come on let's go." He said getting out the car.

When they got out Jesse grabbed Todrick's hand and dragged him to the entrance. Todrick paid for 2 wrist bands and walked with Jesse through the fair.

"You didn't have to pay for me." Jesse said looking at his wristband.

"I asked you on this date so I'm paying."

"You already spent 40 dollars so we could get in here. At least let me pay for snacks or something."

"Ok fine." Todrick said.




"Let's go get on something." Todrick said and walked towards a ride.

They went on rides and played game until 10:55pm. The fair closed at 11 so they went to the Farris Wheel.

"I don't wanna get stuck at the top." Jesse said.

But guess what?

They got stuck at the top.

"Jesse can I ask you something?" Todrick said.


"Ok so I think you're really cute and i was wondering if you want to Sois mon petit ami?" He said and looked down.

"Oui , je serai votre petit ami."

Todrick leaned forward as did Jesse and they kissed as the Farris Wheel started going down.

"Well this was the best." Jesse said once they reached his house.

"It was." Todrick said walking him to his door.

"We are so doing this again." Jesse said and leaned in kissing Todrick for about 5 seconds until Jesse's mom decided to open the door.

"Is this the one you've been going on and on about Jesse?" She asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Mom really?" He whined.

"Yes really. He talks about you all the time. He kept saying how he was excited for this date and couldn't wait until you asked him to be your boyfriend."

"Oh?" Todrick said smirking as he raised an eyebrow.

"Ok mom Todrick has to go." Jesse said pushing Todrick towards the stairs.

"Sorry...." he said walking him back to his car.

"It's fine. I think it's cute."

Jesse blushed.

"Aww you're blushing again."

"Shut up." He said.

Todrick grabbed Jesse's hips and kissed his lips softly before pulling back.

"I'll see you later ok?"

"K." Jesse said walking back to the house where his mom was.

"You guys are cute."

"I'm going to bed." He said and walked upstairs.


"How'd it go?" Chester asked.

"Perfect." Todrick said and walked to his room.


Very first one. I love it.

Oh all Todrick said was "Be my boyfriend?" And Jesse said "Yes I will be your boyfriend."

Love you mean it! Muah!

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