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Todrick and Jesse have been dating for 5 years. But now Jesse is becoming distant and has barely said a word to Todrick for 3 weeks now.

"Chester," Todrick said walking into his room wiping his eyes, "Are you awake?"

"I am now," he grumbled then sat up, "Are you crying?"

"No." Todrick said and wiped his eyes.

"Come here babe." He said and Todrick walked to his bed and cried on Chester's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Jesse," He mumbled, "He's been distant and doesn't talk to me anymore. He's barely home and when he is he doesn't talk to me. It's been 3 weeks since we last talked to each other. I think he..."

"He what Toddy?"

"Is he cheating?" 

"Well," Chester said searching for the right way to word this without making Todrick cry, "Yes, it may seem that way, maybe something happened to a family member."

"He always tells me everything though."

"Talk to him Todrick."

"He won't-"

"Talk to him Todrick."

"Fine." Todrick got up and stormed out the room to his own room.

In the morning Todrick woke up and went to the kitchen to get an apple then went back up to his room and seen Jesse laying on his bed with his hands on his face.

"Jesse?" He asked walking towards him.

"Yeah?" He said sitting up eyes half closed.

"Can we talk?" Jesse nodded.

"Well I know we've been dating for 5 years but these past 3 weeks you've been distant. I asked Chester what I should do and he said talk to you. I don't know what's up with you. We don't talk, you don't even tell me you love me anymore. I always think that you're cheating or something but I don't want to think like that. I don't know what to do anymore. Can you tell me why you don't talk to me anymore?"

Jesse pulled Todrick down and kissed him softly. "I love you Todrick. With all my heart. I was just planning something for us to do tonight actually. I know you feel like I don't love you but I do. I wouldn't ever. Ever. Dream of cheating on you. I'm sorry. It was a surprise I was planning for 3 weeks."

Todrick wiped his eyes and nodded his head. "Ok."

"Are you ok now?" Jesse asked and Todrick nodded.

"Ok now get up and go get dressed." He said.

*7 hours later*

"Jesse I'm tired can we just sit down for a minute." Todrick said. They've been walking for only 15 minutes.

"Lazy. Get on my back we're almost there." Todrick hopped on his back and walked off.

"Jesse this view."

"I know. Now I need to talk to you. So we've been together for 5 years and have been going strong. I know I ignored you for about 3 weeks and I didn't mean to ignore you. I just wanted to plan this and not tell you anything. I love you with all my heart. Forever and Always. I did all this to ask you one question. Will you marry-"

"Yes." Todrick cut him off and jumped on him hugging him as tight as he could.

"I love you Todrick."

"I love you too Jesse."


That was cute. My friend is bugging me for answers for math.

Scotta Blast!!!!

Love you mean it! Muah!

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