I hate him pt2

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Ever since Jesse left, I've been going to clubs every night and would drink until the bartender calls me a cab and helps me home.

Tonight I'm doing the same thing. Scott doesn't want me to go but I'm still going.

I got there and went straight to the bar. I was hit on by different guys the whole time but I ignored them.

"Todrick I think you're done now." Melissa, the bartender, said.

"B-But I don't wanna l-leave." I said swaying.

"Ok Todrick. I won't be able to take you home today. I have to work later than usual. Here drink this water ok?" She said and I nodded drinking the water. I felt a little more sober and decided to walk home.

"Hey why are you walking out here alone?" Some guy asked me. I ignored him and kept walking stumbling a little bit.

Him and his friends started following me so I walked faster and ended up running and hid in an alley. I tried calling Scott but he didn't answer. I called Chester, Vonzell, GloZell, ThurZday, Nicole, and Carlie but none of them answered. The guys got closer. I could hear them talking and yelling for me.

There was only one person left to call.

"Hello?" He asked sleepily.


"Todrick? You do know it's 3 in the morning, right?"

"Jesse, I- I need your help."


"I left the club about 10 minutes ago and I'm not completely sober I can barely see and I'm being followed. Jesse please." I begged.

"Ok calm down where are you?"

"Umm... I'm in an alley 2 blocks from the club we met at. Jesse they're getting closer."

"Todrick calm down ok? Hide as far away from the alley entrance as you can. Crouch in shadows so they won't see you."

"Ok. Thank you Jesse." I whispered.

"You're welcome Toddy. Now I'm gonna hang up because I can't be on the phone while driving but I'll be there in less than 5 minutes. I promise."

"Ok." I said and hung up.

"Where are you, babe?" The guy asked from the entrance of the alley way. I tried scooting back some more but in the process, I kicked over a tin trash can. Way to fuck up Todrick.

"Josh, he's back here." One of the guys said walking into the alley.


Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me upward.

"Why'd you run baby? We just wanted to talk to you." Josh said.

"P-Please let me go." I said quietly.

"Oh no sweetheart we're gonna have some fun."

"Please just let me go. I..."

"You what?"

"I have a boyfriend." I lied. Oops?

"I don't see him."

At the same time Jesse pulled up outside the alley entrance.

"He's over there. Let me go please."

"Nope. You're coming back with us."

"Josh?" Jesse said from the entrance.


"Jesse get him off of me." I said struggling to push him away.

"Josh let him go."

Josh refused so Jesse came and pulled him away from me and grabbed me taking me to his car and we drove off.

"Thank you Jesse." I said. When we got back to my house, he took me upstairs and helped me into bed. I'm still not completely sober.

"Jesse will you stay with me? Please?" I said eyes closed.

"Yes Todrick." He sighed and laid next to me.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked and turned to face him.


"I still love you. I'm upset cause you cheated but I miss you. I'm a hot mess. Every night since you left, I would go out and drink at that same place. Melissa would help me home. Scott told me to stop but I thought drinking would help me forget you but I miss you so much." I confessed.

"I love you too Todrick." Jesse said.

*1 Day Laytair (the next morning)*

I woke up with a stranger in my bed and a pounding in my head. I sit up and grab my phone. 3:30pm? Damn what happened last night?

i look over and see the stranger is actually Jesse. I shake him trying to wake him up.

"Jesse get up." I said.

"No I don't wanna." He whined.

"Jesse we need to talk."

He sat up, "Fine."

"What happened last night?"

"Well you called me around 3am saying you were being followed by some guys. You said you just left the club, you were barely sober and you couldn't see. I get to the alley I told you to hide in and this guy I know named Josh had you pinned against the wall so I pulled him off and brought you here. You begged me to stay and I did then you told me you were a hot mess. You said ever since I left you've gone out to that same club and would drink all night. You said Scott told you to stop but you didn't listen. You also said you still love me. But why Todrick? Why did you go out every night and drink? Why would you ruin your body?"

I looked towards the ground, "I thought it would be a distraction. I miss you so much. I still love you I want you back but how do i know you won't cheat on me again? How do I know you won't break my heart again?"

"Todrick that happened once. After it happened I ignored the guy. He would call, text, and come over but I acted like I wasn't there. I miss you and I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered.

*2 years later*

"Jesse I hate you." I said walking downstairs and to the kitchen with Jesse on my heels.

"Todrick I'm sorry." He said trying to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Go away." I said crossing my arms.

"Babe I'm sorry I won't do it again."

"Mhmm. I hate being tickled and you know it. Go away I hate you right now." I said and he picked me up and sat me on the counter.

"I'm sorry." He said kissing me all over my face.

"Ok ok ok ok Jesse." I whined.

"I love you, Toddy"

"I love you too, Idiot."


OK THIS WAS WAYYYYYY LONGER THAN I WANTED IT TO BE!!!!!!! Well the longer the better right? Lol did you think Jesse cheated again at the end? I didn't lol. K i'm in class right now doing Quizlet Live. Bye.

Love You Mean It! Muah!

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