Chapter 10

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Leo's POV:

I hang up on Kate. What's going on with her? It's not her kind to be mean. What does she have against Kaitlyn? Well of course Kaitlyn wasn't the kindest with her when they first met but it's over now.

I mean it's not like she is in love with me.

I join Kaitlyn in the living room. We start a movie but I'm barely watching because lots of things are running through my mind at the moment.

Kate's POV:

I can't, no. It's not possible. I can't love my bestfriend, of course not. I mean, it's just the heat of the moment right? It's Leo we're talking about. My bestfriend. My super hot bestfriend...
No, stop that right now. Those feelings, well they aren't feelings right?, are gonna go away. Everything will be fine. He doesn't love me. I don't either. He's with Kaitlyn it's awesome. Good for him.

I start crying.

Why is this all happening to me? What did I do to deserve that? I will find love one day right? By love, I mean someone who loves me back. Everything is complicated when it comes to love. There's always someone who loves more, or not enough. Or someone who doesn't care. Or in my case, someone who will never care. Why is it so hard when it comes to this?

I need to do something to change my mind, I don't want to think of our fight and the fact that he's getting married to that...girl. I decide to go to the bar. I've got nothing to loose.

*hour later*

It's been what, 5 drinks that I had? There's a guy coming toward me. It's getting hot here.

He pays me a drink and I just smile there. While I'm starring at him, he's talking to me but I don't notice.

"Hey there, I'm Jim. Well, it's the third tive I've told you but yeah." I snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry I'm..Kate. Nice to meet you Tim." "It's Jim." "I know." "You're pretty." I drink again. The next thing I know we're kissing. The rest is a blur.

Leo's POV:
(sorry for changing POVs so much)

The movie's over now and Kaitlyn is asleep on the couch. I'm not tired and I want to change my mind so I go for a walk in the city.
My mind is running about the conversation I had with Kate. Something changed with her. I instantanely regret my words. Why did I tell her not to come? I do want her to come. I need her there on this day. I'm scared of everything that's happening in my life right now and she's the one who's always helping me. I can't loose her. She's the only one that I trust, even though I said the opposite on the phone, but she's the most important person in my life and I need her right now.

I decide to go see her. No need to tell her before, I always do that. I hope she will be there and that she is okay.

I arrive at her house. I knock. No response. I do it three times. Nothing. There are no lights and it's not really late. I look around to find the emergency key she told me about a few times. Where was it already? I look around for the key a good 15 minutes but I don't find it. That's when a car arrives to the house. I hide behind the bushes, hoping it's just someone who is lost. But when I hear a laugh, a charming little laugh, I understand that it's her. And then another laugh. Not hers, a man's laugh. She's with a man. What? The car stopped and they are walking. I realize that I'm literally creeping on them and should definitely not be here at this particular moment. Another laugh. A different one. It's her laugh, but a laugh that I've heard just a few times...When?
Oh no, she's drunk. And the man too I guess by the way they are laughing. Did she really just got in a car with a drunk person? Is it a stranger?
I can judge but I don't actually know what's happening out there since I'm stuck in bushes. I look out to see one of the two and I finally see Kate. She's dressed up and has make up on. She went out, to the bar maybe. Well, probably because she seems drunk right now. Then the man arrives in my vision. Tall man, brown hair, athletic. A guy every girl would dream of. I can't help but hate this guy. Why? No reasons. But I hate him. I try to hear what they say.

The man : So, maybe we could go inside and go the next level.
Kate : Oh, Tim,..
The man : It's Jim.

So that jackass has a name.

Kate : I don't-I-I..
Jim : You don't what?

She's stressed I see it.

Kate : I don't, I can't do this.
Jim : Why?
Kate : I've known you for a few hours, it was fun sure, but I think I love someone and, I- I don't-
Jim : Listen you little bitch, I've approached you for a reason ok? And I'm gonna get what I want.

I want to punch this guy. I start trying to get out of the bushes but decide against it soon. Kate turns her eyes towards me. She heard me I guess. Her eyes are filled with tears. She's scared.

Jim : Hey! Hello! What the hell are you looking at?!
Kate : Oh uh, I thought I saw someone.
Jim : Whatever, let's go inside.
Kate : No ! I don't want to!-
He then grip her arm and forces her towards the door. She screams. I can't see them. I should go and help her but instead I freeze in the bushes, waiting for nothing...

Yo! So you are going to be mad at me because I never respect the time I say I'm gonna post and I understand. I don't have a particular reason and I don't know what to say more than I'm sorry. But on an other note, thank you so much for 1k read! I literally never expected that in my life and when I first started writing here, It's insane!

Also, I'm a little late but : LEO FINALLY WON AN OSCAR I'M SO HAPPY! I literally screamed when he won ahah! And the Kleo pics are the best, seriously someone who doesn't know them would definitely think they are married. (which they probably secretly are) Now I don't know when we will get to see them together again. I know Kate is filming a movie in NYC and Leo I have no idea. I hope they will collaborate soon because there is a 10 years interval between the movies they made together and the next ten years is close to now! Anyway, yeah.

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