Chapter 11

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Leo's POV:

Still waiting in the bushes I don't know what I am waiting for. I need to go in because this will turn out really bad if I stay here. I run out of my hiding place and enter Kate's house. There's clearly no time for knocking.

As I enter, I look out everywhere for her and scream her name. When I enter her room, I am in shock. Clearly, this Jim guy tried to get in her pants but happily (well...) I arrived on time to knock some sense into this guy. Literally.

A few punches are thrown before he actually storms out of the house. Violence was never my way of resolving things, but I guess you could say that adrenaline took over. I had to do something. I could've called the police but seeing Kate being all shaken up and horrified by what had just happened was the priority at the moment. Not only was she traumatized, but she was also very confused as to why I was here.

"Look, Leo. I admire everything that you did for me, I really do. And I know you're mad at me for what I told you about Kaitlyn, and-and I know that you don't believe me and that's okay! But I can not continue to see you. I can't. I can't bare to see you with her, because she is gonna hurt you. And I can't see you get hurt. And you-you don't want to believe me, I get that but-but it's too hard for me. I love our friendship Leo, I do, but I also love you."

I stay silent. I did not expect that.

Kate's POV

I can't believe it. I did not just say that.

Leo stays silent and just stares at me, probably processing the last words I just said out loud.

His silence is stressing me out and I immediately regret my last words. That is up until he walks towards me, still not saying a word. He grabs my face in his hands and looks me in the eyes.

We're both scared. Of what happened, of what is about to happen, but it feels right.

I let out a sigh of relief. Leo lets out a laugh and he kisses me. It's soft and tender, but filled with emotions that have been bottled for too long.

As tears run down my cheeks, I know that we'll be alright. There's plenty of things we'll have to fix and figure out, but  for now, we're just savouring the moment without thinking of what's coming next.

Leo's POV

"I love you."

Thank you everyone ❤️

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