four: steven is literally in love and max's mom freaks out

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"you should come over today and meet my mother and lucille. we won't even say anything, she'll just have to figure it out for herself." max laughed.

steven looked down at max while they walked out of the school building, "thats a fucking amazing idea." he smiled. steven took max's small hand in his large one and gently rubbed his fingers. max let out this tiny little giggle and steven practically fucking melted. how could he have known this boy for four hours and already known that they were destined to be together? 

while they walked towards max's house, steven watched max. he watched how his mouth would look when he smile. he studied how his eyes would appear smaller and crinkle a tiny bit when he laughed. he observed how he would look down when someone would compliment him. it was adorable. 

"you are so beautiful." steven whispered, gently rubbing max's back. max blushed and looked down at the sidewalk. steven laughed and wrapped his arm around max's torso and pulling him into his side, gently kissing the top of his head. "stop!" max giggled as they approached the door of his house. as steven continuously kissed the side of his face, max dug around in his jeans pocket for his house keys. he pulled out a single silver key and unlocked the door. "now, listen, we're gonna leave this up to my mom and sister to figure out, but my sister isn't home right now. so we need my mo to find out. don't kiss me in there."

"can't make any promises." steven giggled, pecking max's cheek again.

they walked inside and max shut the door, "mom! i'm home!"

 "how was your day, sweetheart?" she replied from the kitchen. she sat on a stool at the table, working on her laptop. max's mother worked from home, claiming it was easier than driving to an office every morning and sitting in traffic. her hair was pinned up in a bun, her reading glasses we hanging on her nose, and she was sitting in a loose blue t-shirt and white shorts. a song by the smiths was playing quietly from the laptop. 

"watch this." steven whispered to max's ear. "max, is this your sister?" he asked, gesturing to his mother. max bit the inside of his mouth to keep himself from laughing. 

"i don't even know your name, kid, but i can tell i'm gonna like you." his mother laughed, "max, sweetie, who's this?"

"this is my new friend steven." max smiled.

"well, it's very nice to meet you, steven." his mother replied, going back to her work. max and steven walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "honey, can you grab me a water bottle?" she asked, typing away at her laptop. 

"sure." max replied, grabbing the bottle and extending his arm out to hand it to her, making sure to show his wrist. "thank you sweetheart-NO FUCKING WAY." she exclaimed, grabbing her son's wrist and examining his red lettered tattoo, "who? what? where? when? why? how?"

"in school today, around like, 8:30 AM, why: i don't know, what: i met my soulmate. how: i don't know. who: steven." 

"HOLY SHIT!" she shouted, spinning around on the stool and almost falling off the chair. she extended her arms out to steven and he quickly took her hands. she jumped off the stool and did a little dance to the rolling stones song that was currently playing. steven laughed and went over, grabbing max and hoisting him up, spinning him in the air. 

max's mother, almost in tears, yelled, "MY BABY MET HIS SOULMATE!"

Tattoos -Hoodie Allen x MAX (Moodie)-Where stories live. Discover now