Chapter 4

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I wake up the next day to a bright sun shine shining though the window.

I get up and get dressed and go into the bathroom.

I never really looked through all the stuff in here.

Everything was fully stocked.

Toothbrushes, shampoo and body wash.

What was this place ?

Every bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, was fully stocked when we got here.

And Josiah said he's never even been here before.

I walk downstairs into the basement.

Not quite sure what I'm looking for.

There was a bunch of tools. I open a door and see a bunch of carving knives.

And razors.

I promised I wouldn't ever again....

I walk into the bathroom and pull out my make up box.

Inside I find my razors.

Carefully pulling one out.

I slide the sharp metal across my wrist.

I dont want to die, I just want pain.

Pain is the only thing that I know.
The only thing that had been hanging onto me is pain. The one thing that is there every time I blink.


It never mad the pain go away like the girls in school told me. They lied.

Or maybe it's different for them.

Blood was dripping from my arm onto the sink.

"Annie?!" I hear a voice yell.

I quickly put the makeup box back and close the drawer. I throw the razor in the garbage can and pul down my sleeve.

"Come in." I say calmly.

The door opens.

It was Jordan.

"What are you doing in here?" He asks.

"It's the bathroom weirdo." I snicker.

"What's that on the sink?" He asks.

Oh crap.... Blood.

"Nothing just some Halloween Makeup I got on there. I was throwing a bunch away." I shrug.

"Annie, show me your wrists." He says seriously.

There's no point in fighting this now....

I roll up my sleeves and watch seriousness turn to sorrow.

He walks out of the bathroom.

He didn't talk for about a month, until he was forced too.

He never told Eric. As far as I know.

I take the razors and walk upstairs. I put them in a small box in the top shelf of my closet.

No one will find you here.

I doubt the time will come where I will use them. I just to have them around just in case or something like that.

I pack a small bag of basic needs.

I walk downstairs and leave a note for Josiah.

Jo ~

Went to Sally's house, be back tomorrow night.


I tape it to the door and leave.

I went to the hotel.

Danny was waiting in the lobby for me.

"Change of plans, we're leaving now." He said pulling me to the car.

"Why what's wrong ?" I ask.

"Josiah found out about our plan, I can't risk loosing you because of a mistake I make." He says.

We got into his car and started driving back home.

"What about the guys?" I ask.

"They will be back in a couple days. They hired some men to take him out." He says not looking at me.

"Danny, take him out ? I mean don't you think that's a bit drastic?" I ask.

"Babe, he took you from me and hurt you ! I don't care if he has 20 kids and a wife ! He's gonna pay for what he's done." He says furiously.

"Okay, okay." I say trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry." He says and reaches for my hand.

I clasp my fingers around his.

"Me too." I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"What did I do to deserve you ?" He asks.

I smile.

"I don't know, maybe it was the bacon." I laugh.

Waiting For The Bad Boy (2nd part to The Bad Boy and The Country Girl)Where stories live. Discover now