Scars (Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction)

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Brynn's POV


'Iris!' I called as I walked into our large apartment. i set my bag down on the floor next to the door. Kicking off my shoes along the way, i walked to the kitchen. Turning on the kurig that was on counter and opened a cabinet to grab a mug and a Raspberry tea k-cup.

'What?' She shouted back clearly annoyed. i laughed remebering it was a tuesday and she had a ton of Art History homework that was due tomorrow.

'Nothing. I just wanted to know if you were here.' i replied popping the k-cup into the kurig and hitting the brew button.

'Oh okay.' She answered going back to her home work. It was just a regular tuesday afternoon for us. I took my mug from the kurig and turned it off. i made my way to the couch in our living room and turned on the TV. Placing my mug on the table, i flipped my hair and twisted it into a messy bun.

Let me tell you about myself. My name is Brynn Boehringer and I attend Boston University with my best friend Iris. I have brown curly hair which is a pain in my ass because it reaches my butt and i always sit on it, but i love it because it makes me who i am. I'm 5'6" and I'm 20 years old. im currently getting a degree for the arts with Iris. 

'Do you wanna get Panera?' She asked walking into the Living room.

'Do you love elephants?' I answered. she laughed with a nod of her head


'That was so good.' Iris said in the passenger seat. She rubbed her stomach and turned on the radio.

'-team stuck in a daydream. been this way since 18 but lately...' sang Ed Sheeran from the speakers.

'How was art today?' she asked me. She watched the familiar scenery pass by as i drove back to our appartment.

'I finished my tree sculpture.' I said proud of my work. it was pretty good if I say so myself.

'Nice job.' she commented. i turned into the parking lot and parked the car. i opened my door and looked out across the water at the bridge.

'do you think he'll really come back?' she asked as she came to stand beside me. i looked down at her small 5" figure

A shiver rand down my spine 'I don't know. I guess I always thought of the possibility. but what else can he do. every inch of me is covered in scars from him.' I whispered as we walked up the stairs to the door.

He haunts my dreams andgave me a disease. He ruined my childhood and starved me. He hurt me, scarred me, hates me and wants me dead, like my mother

'Brynn don't think about it.' iris said hugging me. 'lets go take our pills. '

'Okay.' I said as i unlocked the door

'Everythings going to be okay' she said.

But we both know its not.

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