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Brynn's POV


Iris and I walked down the stairs and caught Jamie just a she walked through the doors.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' we cheered as she turned around to face us.

'woah what happened to you two?' she asked worried as me and iris shared wary glances.

'They're back.' she knew just who we were talking about.

'Where are they?'

'Theyre in Brynns room with louis and his bandmates.' iris replied. she started to walk upstairs and i looked around.

'What should we do?' i asked iris as we walked to the kitchen.

'we have the garden.' she said.

'i totally forgot about that.' i mumbled as i pulled the back door open. we walked out and to the gate.

'Brynn!' Luke called angrily from the house.

'Quick!' i snapped as we hid in the bushes of the graden.

'Brynn where the fuck are you?!' he yelled stepping out of the house.

'Luke! She doesnt want to talk to you!' jamie screamed as she ran after him.

'I dont care i need to talk to her!' he yelled getting frustrated. i watched them through the small cracks between the fence wood.

'Luke you cant change anything. No matter how hard you try she wont like you!'

'Dont say that!' tears of frustration rolled down his cheeks.

'Why do you even care?!' jamie yelled 

'Because she's the reason were famous!' he yelled. he took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his blond hair. 'I spent the past two years looking for her so i could say thanks. I thought her dad had her. i was scared for her.'

'Luke, she's safe here. You can leave now.'

'I can't.'

'Why not?' jamie put her hand on her hip.

'I lost her once, im not doing it again.'

'Luke, she has PTSD and the only man she's trusted since she left boston is Lou. She's not going to open up to you. i've heard of the things you've siad to her. those are unforgivable.'

'I was stupid!'

'Stupid doesnt matter.' Jamie went back to the door. 'I know you girls are out here!' she said playfully. i watched luke turn around and notice the garden. he shook his head and walked over to the gate. it opened with a creak. he stepped onto the stone pathway and looked around.

'When i was younger,' he started, 'My mother used to plant new flowers each year. My favorite ones were snapdragons. they were a different color every year. and she used to place them right infront of the bushes!' he sprung around and pushed the branches that concealed me aside.

'hey Brynn.' he said softly.

'Hey luke.' i whispered as i watched his blue eyes flick over me.

'When we were in boston you wore long sleeves even when you were sweating. What made you stop?' he asked as he looked at my bare arms.

'Lou told me not to hide myself from the world. so instead i bought concealer and i use that to cover them.' i said wrapping my arms around myself.

he sighed. i reached up and ran my fingers 

'C'mon youre gonna stain your shorts.' he said offering me his hand. i took it gingerly and he pulled me out of my hiding spot. i then turned around and pulled out iris. i wiped the mulch and dirt off my butt and walked out the gate with my arm linked with iris'.

when we got inside the everyone was at the kitchen table. they looked up when we walked in.

'We have something to discuss with you guys.' Louis said standing up. he gestured toward the stools by the counter and we scurried over.

'For my birthday Lou got me the chance to accompany him on this years American Tour.' jamie started. we smiled. she always wanted to tour with him.

'But that was before we knew that They,' lou pointed to the boys,' were coming too.' our smiles fell.

'we planned on taking you with us. Showing you the places you havent seen.' jamie dazed off into thought.

'but now that theyre here, we dont think its a good idea.' jamie was visibly upset.

me and iris looked at eachother and communicated with our eyes and sighs.

she cocked her head, ~What harm could it do?~

i sighed ~You know what could happen.~

she raised her eyebrows ~Really?~

i ran my hand through my hair ~Fine, we'll go~

the others gave us curious glances.

'We're going.' i said matter-of-factly

'Really?' jamie exclamed excitedly.

'Yes!' me and iris cheered enveloping her in a hug.

i heard louis sigh. it was obvious that he did not want us to go. but once he saw us with jamie, all giving puppy dog eyes, he gave in. he soon joined us in a big hug that was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

'What?' i questioned as we released.

'I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Harry Styles.' the curley haired one said. various introductions were made before louis gathered up all the boys and left to goto the studio.

'I guess my birthday was forgotten.' jamie said as she shut the door behind them.

'Not exactly!' i ran to the fidge and pulled out a huge ice cream cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Jamie!' written in neat cursive. we sang to her and she blew out the candles.



i should do this more often!

COMMENT 5 TIME OR MORE AND I'LL UPDATE ON TUESDAY! I'll also publish the first two parts of my new story.

My phone was taken away and i dont have anything else to do so ill be updating alot.

Stay Lovely,


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